Curry disaster

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Felix x Jisung

TW: mentions and description of throwing up

In Straykids there was a strict rule to not let Jisung cook. Normally it was either Minho or Changbin that would cook but today almost everyone was busy so there was no option than to let Jisung cook for once. Felix was still in the studio when Chan texted.

Channie: Hey just wanted to check when you're coming home for dinner?
Felix: I will be home in a bit
Channie: Alright see you soon then
Felix: Cya

When Felix came home and walked through the door he was surprised when he met a surprisingly good smell. It smelled like someone cooked curry today.
Felix took off his shoes and joined everyone who was already waiting. Without question Felix ate in like there was no tomorrow. It tasted a bit funny but Felix was starving so he didn't really care. Seungmin couldn't hide his disgust and just stared at Felix.

"By the way who cooked this?" Felix asked with his mouth full.

"Don't eat with your mouth open Felix" Minho scolded.

Chan sighed. "Jisung cooked this."

Felix dropped his chopsticks. That explained the funny taste. Suddenly the boy became conscious of the food. When he looked up again he noticed that no one beside himself ate the food. Felix was the first and probably last. Not even the cook himself ate anything.

"I mean I still feel okay? It isn't that bad Jisung. Good job!" Felix said obviously lying. Maybe to convince himself that it was fine.

"But the food is disgusting!" Seungmin argued.

Jisung looked offended. "Hey, i tried my best!"

"Yeah, well don't try again then." Jeongin added.

Chan rolled his eyes. "Enough, enough! Minho will make some new food. I am sorry Jisung but this doesn't smell nor taste edible."

Jisung just nodded. Lowkey the boy was happy to not have to eat his own food. He was pretty sure he did something wrong when he prepared the food. Jisung wouldn't eat his own food for god's sake.

While Minho was cooking again, Felix felt his stomach not feeling good. It was upset and hurt. Felix decided to ignore it. Maybe he just didn't eat enough? Whatever... Minho was cooking anyways.


The members sat around the table again. This time with proper food. There was soup and rice. It smelled delicious to everyone but Felix. He felt nauseous and the smell made it so much worse.

"I- I think I'll skip. I still feel full from the other food." Felix said and walked away. Or at least tried to walk away. He wasn't really steady and looked close to pass out.

Jisung was quick to notice and hopped out of his seat to rescue his beloved twin. Just when was by Felix side they boy threw up. It was pretty much everything of Jisungs food.

After he was done throwing up, the sick boy collapsed into Jisungs arms. Changbin jumped up to clean up and Chan picked up Felix.

"Let's get you to bed." He simply said and took off.

Jisung felt incredibly guilty and spent the night with Felix.

"I'm so sorry, Felix. I wouldn't have thought you'd get a food poisoning!" He peeped and snuggled closer to Felix.

"It's okay. You did your best. I am sure you didn't want anyone to get sick." Felix sighed.

They hugged again and soon fell asleep. Minho came in every hour to check on the sick one. Luckily Felix only threw up once and that was it. He still felt weak and didn't trust himself enough eating heavy meals so he stuck with soups for a few days.

Authors note: this is so bad but i had to write it to vent my feelings because i have food poisoning as well right now:(

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