Felix is a baby ?

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Felix x Strakids

Tw: none

It was a sticky situation and yet here they were. With a baby and even more specific with baby Felix. For some odd reason the members woke up to a baby which was Felix that was drawing on the walls. No one knew how the boy turned into a literal baby. The only they could do was to hope for it to go away. Minho took his role as a mother really strictly and soon everyone had their roles. Chan was the dad, Changbin the really cool uncle, Jisung the crazy cousin, Jeongin the older brother, Hyunjin the rich aunt and Seungmin the wise yet strange grandpa.

Baby Felix was an oddly calm baby in regard of crying and making noises. The baby cried almost never and if he did then it was pretty silent. He couldn't talk obviously but he giggled from time to time when Jisung was doing literally anything.

Felix even laughed when Jisung just walked by. Seungmin retreated to his room as he felt scared around the baby. Just as Minho was cooking some food for baby Felix, Jeongin got an idea.

"Oh my god! Let's do an photoshooting with baby Felix!" He yelled and clapped with his hands.

Chan startled and almost dropped the baby. "Jesus Jeongin you can't just yell like that!"

"I mean he is too cute to ignore the opportunity." Minho admitted and took Felix.

As Minho fed the baby, Hyunjin and Changbin went to go shopping. They wanted to get some cute baby clothes so that they could dress up Felix.

When everyone was dressed up and Felid had on his brand new baby chicken costume they took pictures. A lot of pictures. Everyone wanted to pose with the baby and have a memorie with the adorable Felix. The baby smiled and laughed and everyone was in awe. Especially Chan was whipped for the sweet baby. His voice switched into a baby one as soon as he got hold of Felix.

But not only Chan was whipped but also Minho. Felix reminded him of his cats but even cuter. Not that he'd ever say that to anyone. Felix had chubby cheeks that Minho liked to squeeze.

„Isn't he literally an angel! He isn't even acting like a baby..." Hyunjin stated.

Seungmin agreed. „Even though I don't like babies. Felix is cute. Baby Felix is an exception."

The evening came soon and the members decided on watching a cartoon with Felix. The boy didn't watch long before he fell into a deep sleep. Changbin carried Felix up to his room and layed him on his bed.

„Good night little Felix!" He whispered.

When Felix woke up he was confused and felt a pounding headache. Was this all a dream? It felt too real to be a dream. Whatever...The boy stood up and walked to the kitchen. He stopped and gasped.
The fridge was covered in baby him pictures where he'd be dressed up as a chicken and be held by all the members. So this wasn't a dream?

„I'm moving out. I'll never live this one down."

Authors note: Idk what this is but yeah I just wanted to say that this maybe the last oneshot for awhile or maybe this is the actual end of this book! I am so grateful for all of you out there that actually read and voted for this story <3 I am sending kisses out to you and hope you are doing fine!!! Thanks again and peace out 🧍🏼‍♀️

Authors note: Idk what this is but yeah I just wanted to say that this maybe the last oneshot for awhile or maybe this is the actual end of this book! I am so grateful for all of you out there that actually read and voted for this story <3 I am se...

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