I will watch over you

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Chan x Felix

TW: none ig

Frustration. That was all that Felix could feel at the moment. I mean who hasn't pulled an all nighter to get their assignments done. Though this was different. Felix wasn't going to school nor did he have any assignment he'd have to give to someone. What Felix had to do was just as challenging as homework. Felix had to study korean. Even if he could speak it properly by now, he made himself a promise to always study from time to time to  speak and understand the language even better. It has been a few years since debut but still Felix was scared that JYP would kick him out if he failed again. So since he was kicked out once he grew even more ambitious and hard working. Felix would always do at least one task everyday in his Korean study book. And if the schedule was tight and concerts were coming up, he'd simply study late in the night. He'd go to the dancing room because when he studied at his desk it would be too bright for his members and he wanted them to rest properly. Today was again a day where Felix didn't get the question that was asked. But Felix wasn't the one who'd give up easily. Instead he googled and read the chapter again in case he may have overlooked something that would help with the asked question. Still not seeming to find an answer he huffed. "I will get this done you stupid text book!" He said determined to get it done. He decided to hop over the question and do another question. Maybe if he got another question right, it'd give him back his motivation to turn back to the difficult one. So there went time. Not noticing the time running later and later, Felix just continued doing his tasks. Just like that the clock turned at 4 am. Felix was still deep concentrated in his text book and slurped his cold coffee. The dancing room looked like a mess. Lots of papers were spread around Felix. It resembled a crime scene, just out of papers.  Felix just scribbled down more and more answers to the question but always ended up throwing them away. Felix decided it was time to stretch to help his sore body out. "Well this must be how my sisters feel ahah." Felix laughed remembering his sisters who went to highschool and university. Suddenly the tiredness kicked in with full force. Felix yawned and decided to grab his "Study blanket" that he kept in the corner of the room so that he wouldn't feel cold. And so he continued. His mind protested and everything was getting harder to understand. "Maybe I do need a quick nap." The boy said and closed his eyes for a second. Or so he thought...

Meanwhile at the dorm

Changbin was the first one to wake up and slowly the rest was starting to wake up. Chan was the second one and asked: "Changbin have you seen Felix?" "No, I haven't. Maybe he woke up early today?" Changbin replied. Felix wasn't exactly someone who woke up early rather he was always the one who woke up late. Chan started worrying. Maybe Changbin was right and Felix just couldn't sleep well and woke up early? Shaking his worry away he decided to join Changbin prepare breakfast. As everyone was awake and ready to go to dancing class, Chan got a call. "Yeah?" Chan picked his phone up. Gasping followed and then a very loud "He is what?" Chan shook his head and ended the phone call. "Everyone let's go, we have someone we should pick up." Chan said and raced to their car. The members were scared. Never in their life have they seen Chan so angry? Or was it maybe worry? Minho spoke up. "You know that Felix is missing here right?" "Yeah, he probably is still asleep wondering where we went!" Jisung said worried about his twin waking up, scared that everyone had already left. "You'll see." Chan told the group. After a 15 minute ride they arrived at the dance studio and ran down the hall to their dance room. When they entered they gasped. In the middle of the room was Felix. He was wrapped up in a blanket and looked like a caterpillar. Chan's heart softened at the sight. Felix must have overworked again. "What the actual fuck is all this?" Seungmin said, holding a piece of paper with messy handwriting. "Well let's ask him." Hyunjin replied, shaking Felix. Felix woke up startled. "What? I am awake, I am awake!" He screamed. Jisung laughed. "Lixie baby, what happened here?" Chan asked. "Oh well, i studied and got frustrated i guess, so well i think i fell asleep while i did that one question." Felix explained himself looking uncomfortable.
"When did you fall asleep then?"Jeongin piped in, also worried about Felix. "I don't exactly remember..." Hyunjin turned to the security guard, eyebrows raised. "It was about an hour ago, sir." The guard said and explained that he only knew because he observed Felix studying to keep him safe. Chan nodded and picked Felix up. In response Felix protested but with Chan's grip he had no chance. "Well I guess I will take over then." Minho smirked and clapped his hands. The members jumped. This was bad. When Minho took over and trained with the members everyone knew it was about to get intense. While the rest trained, Chan arrived home dragging Felix to bed. "Now explain yourself Felix, since when? And why?" Chan consoled Felix. Felix explained how frustrated he was to not get the question and overworked. He also explained how he felt insecure that if he didn't constantly improve himself, that by time he would slowly fall behind and get kicked out again. Chan opened his mouth. "No. Don't say I don't have to study, I want to study. So don't make me stop." Felix sighed. Chan nodded and spoke. "What i was actually trying to say, i know i can't get you to stop but let's work on something that won't steal your whole night and instead find a schedule that will work for you and your health. I can help, you know that. Felix how about this, I will help you with studying and in exchange you will not pull any more nighters. Do we have a deal here?" Felix nodded and yawned. "Well we have a deal. Since you're already here let's cuddle, I am tired." He mumbled. Chan nodded and hugged Felix. "Don't worry Lixie, I will make sure to watch over you. I love you." And with that the boys fell asleep. They were safe and sound. That was all that mattered.

Author's note: well we all can relate can't we ?
I hope you guys are all well and healthy<3 stay safe and stream the MAXIDENT ALBUM AHHHH SO EXCITEDDDDD !!!!

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