Dear Hyunjin

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Felix x Hyunjin

TW: none

Hyunjin's birthday was coming up soon and Felix was starting to freak out. He still hasn't found the perfect gift for the older. It had to be something personal and special. Hyunjin always gave Felix the most amazing gifts and Felix wanted to do the same.

"Felix mate, just relax. We have still to more days. You'll find him a gift." Chan sighed.

His fellow aussie teammate was clearly in distress as he paced around in his studio. Suddenly the boy seemed to have gotten an idea.

"Oh for fudge's sake! I got it!" He yelled.

Felix turned around and stormed out the door. Head shaking the leader turned back to work on his music. 
"These kids nowadays are crazy! How on earth did i manage to pick the insane ones" He thought.

For the next two days Felix was nowhere in sight. He hibernated in his room and was working on Hyunjins gift. Even Hyunjin himself grew worried by now.

"Shouldn't he come out and at least eat something?" He asked.

Minho shook his head. "I tried. There is no chance he'll come out before he finished whatever he is working on."

"Maybe if we-" Jisung started but was cut off.

"No, we are not breaking in his window. That is stupid." Chan said glaring at the younger.

"How did you-"

"I just know. Call it leader magic. Oh and look he is goong to come out here in 3, ... 2, ... 1!"

The door opened and Felix came out. Jisung gasped. Not only because he know knew to not mess with Chan but also because of the sight he got to see. Felix had eye-bags that matched the color of the black hole itself. His hair was messy and his eyes searched for someone. The boy still had on the same clothes from two days ago and just looked like a whole mess.

"I finished!" He said quietly but smiled.

Everyone just nodded and walked back to their seats. Hyunjin's cake was in the middle of the table and all his favorite breakfast surrounded it. Now that Felix arrived they started Hyunjins birthday. The members sang for him and in order gave him their presents. Felix came in last and looked nervous.

"It's not perfect but this is for you." He explained and gave Hyunjin a beautiful envelope. It had a ribbon around and smelled like cherries. Hyunjins favorite fruit.

He opened the letter and started to read. Felix looked down and fiddled with his sleeves as he for some kind of reaction. When he looked up again, he felt all his color drain his face. Hyunjin was crying and his hands were shaking. Felix panicked. He thought he hurt Hyunjin or somehow upset him.

"Hyunjin, don't cry. I am sorry for whatever I said!" He tried.

Hyunjin laughed now. "No, it's not that. Lix, this letter is beautiful I love it. I never got something so heartwarming from anyone and I know how hard you worked on it."

Felix nodded and Hyunjin went to hug him. The others just sat there dumbfounded. What was in that letter? Seungmin snatched the letter and read out loud.

"Dear Hyunjin,
you have now gained another year on earth! I love you so much and i really tried to find the perfect gift! Here is something i wrote for you to express how much i love you and appreciate you!

This is a poem i wrote for you
Because i fell in love with you
Enchanting was your appearance
It caught me in an endless trance

Lovely eyes and soothing voice
This was surely my wisest choice
With you i choose my destiny
Because for all i am to be

Long is the way and all the roads
With you they may as well be slowed
Dreams and hopes never rescued me
With you i finally can be free

Kindly i ask you to be
My friend, soulmate and enemy
Let's go against all the odds
And earn us all the applause

May the moon follow our steps
And find love deeper than oceans depth
Till death may tear us apart
For all this you are my greatest art

I love you, Hyunjin.


The room was quiet. Chan was teary eyed. Changbin looked proud. Jisung's mouth was wide open again. Seungmin smiled and Jeongin clapped.

"This- Felix, you have to come write some lyrics with us in the future!" Changbin said.

"Oh no, this was only good because i wrote it for Hyunjin." Felix explained. 

The rest of the day the members played games, watched Iron man again and ate Korean BBQ. It was an almost perfect day but Hyunjin knew what was missing. He pulled Felix on him and let the boy snuggle up to him. The boy soon fell asleep and now Hyunjins day was perfect. He felt the warmth from
Felix and soon fell asleep as well. Both of them smiled in their sleep. "This was the most perfect birthday", Hyunjin thought.

Authors note: So that was it. Btw i wrote that poem by myself, i am actually proud of it. I hope you liked it as well. Anyways i will go to sleep now because it is 4 am so bye bye stay safe and good night stays <3

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