Prologue - Ghosts...

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Damian Gray's pov:

My mummy cries a lot. These past few months she hasn't been doing so well. I don't know why. Mummy or daddy won't tell me what's happened. I just remember seeing her hurting so much one day and my daddy brought her to the doctors. He said she had a bad tummy, kind of like what I've had, but something only grown-ups have. Even after she was at the doctor she cries from time to time. For some reason mummy is still hurting and daddy is not telling why.

He's hurting too. I see it even when he thinks I don't. He tries to keep my mind off it...or maybe his, but he's faking it. We try to play hide-and-seek sometimes when Uncle Alec is busy, but he always forgets the rules. The rules are simple in hide-and-seek, right? I go and hide and then he comes looking for me. If he doesn't find me, he loses...except sometimes he seems to forget.

More and more these past months he has and it always leaves me in a grumpy mood, to which he always apologizes for. I know he doesn't mean to be that way. He loves me, and I love him. He and mum are just going through a hard time he tells me. Mummy on the other hand just stays in hers and daddy's room not saying much. Sometimes I enter and I sit there drawing. She doesn't say much, neither do I...I just draw and sometimes she watches me, other times she doesn't.

- Damian Gray Hanson! You, my man, are in trouble for not showing up for breakfast downstairs. You have definitely failed to beat your record...

I am sitting on the edge of my bed, facing the window as I see Uncle Alec standing in the doorway. He always makes me smile.

- You have the immaculate record of 18 seconds from this room, down to the kitchen. Why aren't you getting ready to kick it down to 15?

He asks as he walks up and sits down next to me on the bed. I look up at him smiling before I turn my attention back towards the window and see the green grass light up under the sunlight.

- I was just thinking about something...

I look down on my hands, fiddling with a piece of Lego in my hand.

- Damian Gray, I don't know if I like the sound of you thinking about something this early in the morning. You make me look stupid and goofy...

Alec answers right away and I laugh slightly...

- I don't have to be thinking to make you look never find me...

I answer as he places a hand on top of my head and rubs my hair, which is covered by something jelly-ish to keep it a certain way. Goofy Uncle Alec always forgets that and it always makes me laugh.

- Hey, that's not fair! You're smarter than I ever will be and on top of that, you cheat. You hide in the most impossible places for me to get to...

He protests as he tries to wipe off that gluey stuff that my dad has put in my hair. I always watch him as he does it. He's such a tool and that makes him funny to watch most times.

- How about you tell me the real reason why're not in the kitchen. Robbie and I waited an entire hour...

I look up at him curiously. Even though I'm just four, I can tell when Alec lies. I only just woke up thirty minutes ago so it doesn't make much sense...

- Okay, fine, seven minutes, but that's more than enough for me, you know? Your Uncle Alex doesn't like waiting and your Uncle Robbie doesn't like his food getting cold...

I chuckle lightly as I look down on my hands again. The piece of Lego still rolling from one hand to the other. I guess he senses that my mood is changing slightly after his goofing around.

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