Chapter 8 - The Storm

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Kate's pov:

I'm sitting on top of Blake's lap on the chair in the corner of the room as we both watch Ivy sleep. Despite of who she is and how sudden she came into her lives, I already see what a sleeping beauty he is. We just sit here for one hour, and then the next. I lean my head against Blake's eventually and just take a deep breath. I feel this calm come over me. I didn't think I'd be ready this soon for someone to come into our little family, but apparently I was. It must be my mother-instinct.

I have one arm around Blake's neck and I turn my head to see him keep his eyes firmly on Ivy, as if he's trying to figure her out for himself. For a moment, I just keep my eyes on him without him noticing. I can't help but feel so proud of him. He's only just met Ivy, and yet, I can tell he's already looking at her as if he would give his life for her. He's not escaping from this like one hear tails of in other places. Blake is owning up to his responsibilities. Of course, I never doubted him because he's my man and I know him.

After a while, I move my hand to the back of his head and he turns around towards me. I lean forward after a while and plant a soft kiss on his lips before I settle back with my arm around his neck. I lean my head back against his again and I sense him take my other hand in his and then take a deep breath.

- I'm proud of you, Blake.

I let out after a while and I hear him chuckle slightly. He holds around me even tighter as I look towards the window and notice that it's getting dark really fast. There seems to be a storm coming our way as I hear the wind blow fiercely among the trees. We both seem to notice that Ivy is sensitive to the noises outside...

- I can't say I know what for. I'm just doing what I have to do. She's my blood after all...

Blake answers and I look down on him.

- Exactly. You know there are stories about the guys that simply run off the first opportunity they get. I've always known that you aren't that kind of guy, but I still felt like I wanted to let you know how proud I am.

I answer and he smiles at me. We share another kiss before we just let our noses nudge against each other for a moment.

- I wouldn't have been able to do any of this today if it hadn't been for you though. You have been so strong through everything, including this. I don't know what I'd do without you...

He goes on. I hold around him tightly and for a moment we just enjoy the quiet of the moment before the lightening strikes right outside our window and we both flinch. I'm caught off guard by how close it is as Ivy jolts up in pure fear. Blake and I immediately move over to her.

- It's okay, it's alright. It's just lightening. You're safe in here.

Blake says as Ivy clings to his body for dear life the moment we get to her. He rocks her slightly back and forth before I get to remember that Damian is on his own most likely in his room. I'm going to get Damian. I let out through the link. Blake nods weakly as he places Ivy on his lap, who's still shaking from the sudden lightening. Poor thing is a shaking leaf.

- Wait, where are you going?

Ivy asks suddenly as she frees herself from Blake's grip.

- I'm going to get a special somebody. He doesn't like this weather either.

She's slightly puzzled and confused before she remembers the storm outside and seeks back to Blake's comfort.

- I won't be gone for long, I promise.

I let out. She nods weakly before I look up at Blake briefly and leave the room. I rush through the hospital-area which seems to be in a frantic state because of the weather too. I get to the mansion-part as the thunder continues to rumble above our heads. Several other pack-members are woken up by the storm as well. Before I get to Damian's room, I run into Alec who's just walking out of his and Robbie's room.

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