Chapter 1 - Gone

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(5 months ago)

Kate's pov:

- Well, did you find out at the ultra-sound today?

He asks, almost with a smile reaching all the way around his face as he enters the door. I turn around and smile towards him. I have a little something in my hand, a little hair-band with a distinct color on it.

- Yes, I did...

I answer at first as he walks a few steps towards me.

- Depends if I want to tell you considering you had to bail on me.

I let out matter-of-factly as he sighs deeply before dragging me into his arms without me revealing the little band.

- And believe me, I let them know to not ever do that again when my love is having her ultra-sound...

He answers with a comforting smile as he bends his head slightly and kisses me on the forehead. Right afterwards, he brings my face up towards his and we kiss deeply on the lips.

- Besides, ever since you found out, I've been treating you pretty much like a queen...well, my queen.

He lets out matter-of-factly and I have to say, he's right. Considering I'm the one carrying the little one for the next six and half months. He's learned the hard way once. I think he knows how I want certain things to be this time.

- Yes, you have...just like you're supposed to.

I answer with a teasing eyebrow as he sighs deeply, slightly surrendered.

- Love, you're really just being a tease...

He lets out lifting me up and swinging me around like he did when I told him I was pregnant again.

- Okay, okay, if you want me to tell you, you gotta stop making me dizzy. The little one makes me more than dizzy enough...

I point out as he lets me down and takes a half-step back. For a moment he just stands there and looks at me. I've been holding back from him long enough. I bring up the little hair-band and the pink color just does something to him. He immediately gets back at me and lifts me up as I wrap my arms around his neck and we share a passionate kiss.

- Have you got any idea how happy you make me?

He asks me.

- I have an idea for sure. You don't have to carry her around for the next six and a half months...

I answer with a smile as he chuckles lightly and lets me down.

- Oh, come on, you know better than that love. I mean, obviously I'm thrilled that I don't have to be pregnant and all that, but your strength amazes me so much. You saved my life when I didn't have anyone else to live for. These past four years have by far been the best of my life...

This warm feeling just spreads inside my chest as I look up at him and we share a passionate kiss before we hear the squeaking of the door and we both see a special little somebody sneaking a peek.

- Hey, little troublemaker, aren't you supposed to be in bed?

I ask with a smile as little Damian runs into Blake's arms and he picks up our little boy.

- I'm not tired...

He answers slightly winey. That boy sure can make me smile no matter what the time of day it is. I stand right next to Blake as he puts his arm around me and little Damian holds around Blake's neck.

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