Chapter 4 - No 'Poof'

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Alec's pov:

After leaving Blake in his office to actually think about what we talked about - winning Kate back, I walk down the stairs and look for the Third-in-Command, Brad. As the Beta of the pack, I'm just as classified as Blake to check out this discovery that they are so anxious about.

I reach the entrance of the pack's big mansion and find him right away as he seems to have been anxiously waiting for Blake with a few other patrol-men. He immediately sees me and turns towards me when he sees that I'm the only one approaching him.

- You'll report your discovery to me. The Alpha has some personal matters he has to take care of...

I'm free to command him when Blake isn't around. Brad simply nods his head and leads me back towards the woods. Over the course of the last four years, we've established watchtowers inside the woods, keeping a wary eye at the borders. One can never know when bloodthirsty rogues suddenly decide to pop up and pay a visit. We're taking the matter of security extra serious considering the amount of families we have in the pack.

- Elaborate a little further about this discovery of yours...

I let out as I keep following him. There's a special scent in the air that I find both strange and yet familiar. Brad stops for a moment and turns around towards me.

- I assume you just caught the scent in the air...we sensed it a few hours back and found it strange. We're pretty sure someone is hiding in these woods, someone we don't know. Whoever this person is, a girl by the scent, left rather revealing clues further in...

He answers as we keep on walking for a little while, passing several of our posts before we get to what we actually dare call a clearing. I walk out into this so-called clearing, but I see nothing. I turn towards Brad.

- A simple scent of a rogue-girl doesn't quite reach the criteria to alert myself or the Alpha. I think you can handle that on your own...

I let out lightly irritated before he walks over to the bushes in the far end and waves me over.

- Have a look at this then...

He pulls the bushes apart for me to see and now I know why they brought this to my attention. I see this small rug of fur, rather worn out by the looks of it. Someone seems to have run off in a hurry. Personally, I would take that piece of fur with me if I was living in the woods. I learned that when I was running away from Brutus. I'm pretty sure Blake knows that even better because of the years he spent out in the woods.

- This definitely changes things. Have you followed the scent any further?

I ask as I walk over to the rug and bend down before I turn my head towards him.

- The scent leads a trail further into the woods, towards the borders. Regarding whether we were to follow it or not was something we needed your advice on. By the scent, we all know it's not exactly a wolf running around.

I look up at him.

- Then whoever this person is, she is damn lucky to still be alive then.

I answer as I look back down. When I smell on the scent myself, there's something true to what Brad has said about it. This is some little kid, a girl, running around in these woods. The question is where has she gone and what is she doing here on her own. She either running away from someone or someone's actually missing her.

- Whoever this person is, she's not safe. Even if we've got our entire territory covered, we need to find out what she is doing here.

I let out as I get back on my feet, facing multiple of the patrol-wolves that have gathered around, trying to find something else that can pinpoint what we're dealing with here.

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