Chapter 23 - Strength

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Alec's pov:
So, here's the understatement of the year: something is going on. I mean, yes I have noticed that people are packing their stuff down and getting ready to move off somewhere. The fact that I don't know what for or why makes it hard for me to lay down and rest because I'm constantly curious. I end up sitting in the bed, wiggling my toes every now and then just for the pure entertainment of it. It's the only thing that keeps me awake, and to some degree humored, until I see Robbie enter the room.

He looks sweaty...not the same kind of sweaty as I've seen him before with far less clothes on, but the kind of sweat that comes from stress. I don't think I've ever seen him like this unless we've had our usual argument about me and Damian. But he hasn't spoken a word, which means there's got to be something else. It seems to me like he's holding something back from all of us.

- You know, babe, you look a little stressed out...

I let out. He stops his movement and turns around.

- Considering you can't exactly move around, I have to make sure that we get our most important belongings with us when we move to Kate's old pack. On top of that, I have to make sure that everybody else does too...

He answers. I sigh deeply to myself.

- Well, give month. I will be up and moving around...

I let out as I wiggle my toes. He smiles almost relieved before he turns his attention back on the drawers.

- It's quite a shame that we can't speed up that process...

I suddenly hear him say cockily, but the look in his eyes gives him away far too easily. He tries to relieve himself it seems as he sits down on the bed, close to me so I don't struggle to reach him. I use my hand to turn his head towards me.

- I know of some things that we can...

I answer, and for a moment, I think I even see him smile when he leans closer to me and kisses me softly on the lips. I hold on to the moment and even try to deepen the kiss, but he's too distant and sloppy.

- Okay, you have to tell me what's going on. We are not going to be able to enjoy each other's company if you're head is somewhere else...

I let out and I can tell that he's actually bothered. None of my humoring approaches are getting to him and they usually work.

- I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, Alec...

I sigh deeply.

- Whether or not you are supposed to tell anybody doesn't matter. You're not okay with whatever it is that you are not telling me. I won't let you go until you do.

I can see that he's struggling back and forth about telling me. I know for sure that I'm going to keep him locked with the grip I have on his arm until he starts talking. I just have a feeling by the way Robbie himself struggles, that I won't like it either. I see him take a breath and he's about to say something when somebody knocks on the door. Robbie immediately turns around.

- We have loaded up the family as you commanded. We're almost ready to go.

'Loaded up the family'? What is that all about? Robbie suddenly looks over at me and he is even more insecure now than he was before.

- Alert the remaining guards. We're leaving close to midnight...

Robbie answers as the man disappears. Robbie knows he has to say something to me now.

- Oh, yeah, you're definitely telling me what that was all about. What did he mean by 'the family'? What family was he talking about?

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