Chapter 22 - "Everybody Is Keeping Secrets It Seems"

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Kate's pov:
- It's okay, baby, it's okay. You're here with me and daddy now. The big, scary man won't get to you unless he goes through us, okay?

My little boy is still shaking in fear from being with Blake's father. Apparently, Blake's father didn't do anything to Damian, but seeing him for real instead of his dreams sure has made an impact on him. He's refusing to let me go. He's holding on to my shirt for dear life while his breath is still cramping. A part of me wants him to let me go for a little moment just so I can talk to Ivy, but on the other hand Damian really needs me and so I am going to be here for him. After all, I'm sure Ivy isn't on her own. She's probably with Blake's mother whom I have no idea how I'm going to deal with when the time for that comes.

- C-Can I just share the bed with you tonight? I don't want to sleep alone...

I hold my arms slightly tighter around him. He's resting his head on my chest and I plant a soft kiss on his forehead. The fear that he's experiencing is something that I'm sure won't go away in the next couple of days. He might very well remember this for rest of his life as the first time when his nightmares actually came true.

- You know, even if you wanted to sleep alone, I wouldn't let you. There's no way I'm leaving you out of my sight for the next couple of days...

I let out slightly comforting before I hear the door open and I see Blake enter the room with a tray in his hands. I can smell the scent of some nice, warm tea. I just know that's what Damian needs to calm down and get some rest. He's been through so much over the past couple of hours and I don't want him to stay awake and not be able to sleep. He needs his rest.

- Hey there, champ...

Blake lets out as he sits down on the bed next to me. Damian removes himself slightly from my grip and seeks Blake's comfort. Blake holds him closely to his chest as I sit myself slightly closer to the two of them. Blake eventually extends his arm around me and pulls me closely. I manage to place a hand softly on Damian's cheek as he still tries to let the comforting calm him down.

- Hey, I brought you something that'll help you calm down. It's a little bit of's not too hot so you can actually try to take a sip or two...

Blake mentions as he stretches over towards the tray and grabs one of the cups. Damian sits slightly up so he can hold the cup for himself and have a sip...or two, before he hands it back to Blake and settles down on top of his chest. I immediately see that he's more relaxed and turning slightly more and more sleepy. After a while he's completely asleep and I sense Blake's attention turn towards me.

- Now, over to are you holding up?

I want to tell him that I'm doing just fine. In fact, I would love to tell Blake that I'm happy because he managed to bring back our family and everything, but there's something that keeps bugging at the back of my mind. I even look at Blake and I can tell that he knows.

- Mostly I'm fine...I mean, I worried to death for a second there when you didn't respond to my calls through the link, but I hung on to the faint hope that everything was going to be fine. What a relief it was when I saw you by the tree line with the kids. It's unlike anything I can ever try to describe...

I leave the sentence hanging a little bit. He nods weakly because he knows what would've come next if I in fact had it in me to talk about it.

- Mostly fine...I'm guessing that has something to do with my mother coming with us as well...

I sigh deeply to myself for a moment.

- Why did you bring her with you? I mean, I know she's your mother, she's family, but...I just...

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