💖What If I told you that I...(SetoxReader)

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Thank you so much for your patience! I loved how this one turned out and I've realized how much I like writing Seto Kaiba. I hope you enjoy this story AllisonTart.


P.S- writers note at the end.


"Alright money bags! Enough with the talk and duel me!"

"I don't see why I should, mutt."

You sighed at the sight alone with the rest of your friends. Seeing Joey and Seto fight wasn't an unusual sight, but that didn't mean you were used to it.

"I get this is city tournament, but why do they have to fight like that," you to yourself out loud.

"You shouldn't worry so much Y/N"

You looked down to see Mokuba standing next to you. You were so focused on Seto and Joey that you didn't even realize that Mokuba had moved. You smiled at the little boy and said, "I know, but I wish they would get along."

You had known the Kaiba brothers for a long time.  All of you had lived at the same orphanage and became close friends. Seto and Mokuba were adopted first before a nice couple choose you to be their daughter. Your next family happens to live in the same apartment as Joey. Joey was like a big brother to you, and you knew he loved you like a sister.

In fact, the current fight started over something Seto had said to you. "I would have thought you had better taste than this mutt." Joey had growled at the comment, but what really set him off was seeing your red face.

Joey mistakenly read your reaction as hurt when what you actually felt was embarrassment and fear. You loved Joey back as a brother and a dear friend, but it was Seto that had stolen your heart. What if he thought you liked Joey? The blush you had before returned to your face, and you tried to hide it by putting your hands on your cheeks while lowering your head. The fight between Seto and Joey intensified, but you were too busy hiding your face to play peacekeeper this time.

Luckily, Mokuba and Tristen jumped in to keep the pair apart. Anzu however, stayed behind and noticed your behavior. She moved closer and nudged you with her arm asking, "Hey, what's wrong? You're usually the one breaking up these fights."

"Oh, well..."

Anzu waited for you to reply till she unexpectedly said, "Does it have to do with how you feel about Kaiba?"

You gasped and looked at Anzu.

"How did you- "

"I just took a guess. Plus, you always blush a lot when Kaiba is around." Anzu explained.

Embarrassment flooded you as you shyly asked, "Do you think Seto knows?"

That made Anzu scoff as she replied, "I doubt that any of them know. I bet the number of fights those two have would be less if you said something to Kaiba."

"What do you mean?"

Anzu gave you an exasperated look, but she answered your question.

"Tell Kaiba how you feel."

You blinked at her then shook your head while stepping back.

"I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because" you said, now wanting to cry, "I don't want to be rejected by him."

Anzu could understand your fear, but she had a feeling that Kaiba wouldn't reject you. She happened to notice that most of the fights Kaiba picked with Joey happened when you were around. Maybe he's jealous of always seeing Joey and Y/N together? That was Anzu's theory. Though if Kaiba did like you, he was acting childish. Still, having you confess to him would make things easier.

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