🖤🍋BlackMistShipping (Human au AstralxDarkMist)🍋🖤

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This is for RyuRan2200 !!! Thank you much for waiting this long, but I think you will see it was worth it!! The video at the top is something they found for me to use.😉

This request is an Astral X Dark Mist request and it is set in a human au.
The lemon in this is a force role-play! If this is not your thing, look away!!

Now enjoy!😊

🖤  ❤️ M༙e༙s༙s༙ w༙i༙t༙h༙ M༙e༙  ❤️ 🖤

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🖤  ❤️ M༙e༙s༙s༙ w༙i༙t༙h༙ M༙e༙  ❤️ 🖤

The heavy steam fill the tiled room as hot water fell from the faucet overhead. Under the circumstances, cold water would have been better, but he knew that if he didn't take care of this now, the images of his dreams would keep flashing through his mind for the rest of the day. Astral swallowed back a cry as he worked his hands over his lower body. It wouldn't take long, not with the clear images running in his mind. His back leaned on the moist wall for support as tremors flooded his nerves as he stroked and squeezed. His golden eyes closed as he bit his bottom lip to keep his final cry from echoing in the room.

Astral took a minute to relax in his after glow as the sound of his pulse drummed in his ears. Worried about the time he finished washing and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing for a towel on the counter, he nearly dropped a small journal. This journal went everywhere with him and before it could hit the floor Astral caught it in one hand. Sighing, he set it back on the counter to finish getting ready for his day.


Astral rode his bike to school thirty-five minutes early to meet with his student council. For the past three years he had held on to being the school's council president and with this being his final year, Astral worked hard to maintain a clean image and leave behind a better school.

 For the past three years he had held on to being the school's council president and with this being his final year, Astral worked hard to maintain a clean image and leave behind a better school

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He shuttered to think what would happen if anyone were to find out his personal thoughts and habits, but Astral made sure to carefully guard his secrets. He had just gotten off his bike when he spotted the school's group of delinquents. Not now, Astral thought wearily as he locked his bike, it's too early in the morning to be dealing with them already. He would have liked to pretended not to have seen them, but it wasn't an option for him, given his role in the school. So he walked over to where the group was loitering, under a large tree closest to the entrance of the school. When Astral walked closer he could hear the husky voice of their leader and let out another sigh.

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