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This is for @xSarxGirl99 ! Thanks for giving me a nice challenge. I hope it turns out as you expected. Enjoy!


Perfect. Everything was perfect. So much perfection that it made your head hurt trying to find anything wrong with the way things were. That should have been a sign three months ago that something was wrong. Our perfect was fake. The world we build around our relationship had few truths and too many compromises. The day I noticed our mistake was when I saw that his smile had changed, and my own heart felt heavy with burden instead of love. On that day, I started looking for flaws and found them too quickly. 

The next few months that past I tried to bring them up, but he wouldn't hear it. Worse, he started making more compromises while I stayed the same. Mostly the same anyways. I didn't want to lose him. Atem was the first boyfriend I really felt connected with and completely swept away by. We both happened to walk out the same door at my work one afternoon. Nothing happen, just a smile and a glance. The next day he was at my work again talking to Kaiba when he stopped and ran over to hold the door for me. My smile was accompanied by a giggle and a thanks as he stood blushing at me. On the third day he came to my department close to my lunch hour and asked to take me out. And that was it. The rhythm in which we connect scared me a little since it was too easy, but I went with it. Eventually things stopped being easy and when the hoop jumping began to keep things the running smoothly.  

Smoothly, right, I'm thought as I stood in a hotel room in another country with Atem looking at me with that mask I knew so well. That mask he would wear when he didn't want to deal with something that would lead to an argument. Not angry, not sad, or tired, just a mask to keep the peace. If only he knew how irritating it was. It's not that I'm looking for an argument. I love the guy. Who wants to argue with their love ones? There are couples whose whole relationship circled around arguing and shouting matches. But not us. No. We could barely handle a disagreement.

Atem held himself rigid as he spoke carefully, "If it means that much to you, I'll cancel the match and we can go out. Do something you want."

God. Fucking. Damn it. Biting down on my teeth I turned to keep my curses to myself. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have let him talk me into this trip. We could've used the time apart. I didn't even bother looking away from the hotel window that overlooked the city as I said, "Atem, just go to your match. I'll be here when you get back." Outside laid a sunny paradise of seaside villas on layered cliffs that hung above a blue ocean. The view outside tired my eyes with all it shine and colors that I closed them and took a deep breath. His footstep sounded loud in my head as he moved behind me. It wasn't till I heard the keypads on his cell that I turned to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

The person Atem was calling picked up on the second ring. "Kaiba, cancel the match."

I stood on the other side of the room and I could hear the CEO going off. Atem listened to him only for a bit before ending the call mid rant. His dulled eyes turned to me making my heart sink. That stoic look never once fading and the more I stared at it the more I wanted to break it. Break it to see if he understood what he just did. I told him I didn't want to come. I told him that I wanted to take a break from traveling with him to wherever Kaiba decides to send him for a tournament. I told him and he didn't want to listen.


Atem didn't answer me as he took off his belt that held his cards and dropped it on the couch.

"Why did you cancel? You've been wanting this duel for a long time! So why?"

Atem sighed rubbing his head then put down the cell on the round table. He stared down at it not wanting to meet my eyes. "It doesn't matter. There'll be a next time."

My Yu-Gi-Oh Request Book (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now