💖The Princess Games Part 2💖

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Here's part two of PrincessRainbowdashy request!!!


The Sun had started falling pass it's mark in the sky above the green trees in the garden. A light sweat formed at the back of Y/N's neck as she hurried to find a hiding place. Behind her she could hear Yugi counting down from thirty. She wished the dress she wore today didn't have long sleeves but was grateful that it was made with thin material to keep her from over-heating. The color was also a convenient shade of green that may help camouflage her during the game they were playing.

 The color was also a convenient shade of green that may help camouflage her during the game they were playing

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Y/N heard Yugi call out the number twenty and she darted around a tree only to run right into someone. They were the same height and unfortunately bumped heads with each other. "Ouch!" Both cried while stumbling back. Tears of pain welled up in Y/N's eyes, but she rubbed at her bump and tried to speak without whimpering, "Sorry! Are you okay?"

Yami had a hand on his own head and muttered, "I'm fine." A loud count down from ten had started and Yami dropped his hand from his head and grabbed onto Y/N's hand. "Come on! We are too close!"

Y/N nearly stumbled when Yami suddenly pulled her away with the pain still throbbing at her head. They ran deeper into the garden that boarded on a small forest that were a part of the castle grounds. Yugi's voice faded from behind them and Y/N glanced back worriedly. They agreed that they weren't allowed to move too far out of the range of each other's voice so to give the seeker the chance to find the hiders.

"Yami, we're going too far!" Y/N cried and dug in her heels to force them to stop.

Yami looked back and they both barely heard a, "ready or not" from where they had ran from. Yami let go of Y/N's hand and said lowly, "Go find somewhere nearby to hide."

Y/N bit her lip not wanting to be abandoned in a part of the garden she wasn't familiar with, but Yami had already started walking away, and she didn't feel comfortable around him yet to speak up. Deciding to stick close to where Yami had left her, she stepped behind a tree and waited. She had just settle herself when Y/N heard a small cry of surprise from where Yami had walked off. Yugi's voice could be heard vaguely calling out their names, but Y/N worried that something had happen to Yami. She ran out from her spot right to where Yami had disappeared only to find herself slipping on wet mud that the sun's heat could not dry and went tumbling down a small hill. At the bottom, Yami had just recovered from his fall and sat up. His ears picked up a small cry and turned to see Y/N rolling towards him. Quickly he got up and caught Y/N before she crashed into him again.

Y/N felt dirt and leaves in her hair, neck, and dress, but laid still panting on the side of the hill. "Are you okay!" Yami asked, moving the pinned curls that had come undone away from her face. She blinked up at him and choked back a laugh. Yami's face was covered in dirt with his hair sticking out even wilder and had a leaf sticking to the side of his face. He frowned at the reaction, but Y/N reached out and peeled the leaf away.

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