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⚠️❗️Warning! This story is 100% mature! Polyamorist coupling will be happening! ❗️⚠️

Thank you to @Bloodylover33365 for making this request and for waiting patiently for me to work on this story.  I hope this is what you were expecting.😊



Love is Only DoubledXXX

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Love is Only Doubled

Yugi yawned contentedly in the large bed he shared with his lover. The velvety curtains around the bed were drawn closed, but Yugi could sense the morning beyond the comfort of the elegant bedroom. A soft sigh left him as memories of the night before played back in his mind. The beginning of his night didn't start out so well when his partner felt the need to share a premonition he had at his work. That another would soon be joining them.

Quietly stretching out his aching muscles, Yugi wondered if the mess he made in the dining room had been cleared away by the servants. He rarely ever lost his temper, and had pride in his self-control, but the demon heart beating in his body couldn't stand the idea of sharing the man he loved. The rage inside him ticked away like a bomb, as Yugi coolly asked what his partner meant that another would be joining them. Perhaps he merely meant that someone would be stopping by for a visit, or looking to employ services from them. The nervous look in his lover's red eyes told him all he needed to know.

"Please Yugi," was all he said, and the wine glass Yugi held exploded while the flames in the fire place erupted outwards. Yugi wished that would have been the worst of his reaction, but once his demonic temper got going, there was no stopping. Thankfully, the dark angel he gave his heart to knew how to handle him when he got like this, and swiftly took care of him. The rest of the night went better for Yugi, but parts of him were still sore from the fighting, and rough play that followed.

He tugged back the curtain on his side to let in some of the morning light, then rolled over to look at his handsome lover. Yami was still deep in sleep, and Yugi felt guilty for throwing his fit even though the love making afterwards was exquisite. Between the two of them, Yami was the early raiser and would be half dress by now if he hadn't spent half the night subduing Yugi's jealous rage.

"So sorry my heart," Yugi gently whispered as he watch Yami doze, "but I cannot stand to share you. I won't allow it."

Yami continued to sleep deeply in the plush bed without a care. Yugi licked his lips and soothed back the black and magenta locks away from Yami's cheeks then kissed it lightly. A small breath left his perfect full lips at the small peck, and Yugi's pulse rose at the sound of his name in Yami's husky voice that followed. No, Yugi wouldn't stand for it, he couldn't! Whoever they were, Yugi would make them pay for coming between him and Yami.

Not wanting to lose his temper again, Yugi closed his eyes and began to count from one hundred very slowly as his tail swayed in agitation. When I finish counting, I will open my eyes and start our day like every other day, he meditated to himself. Premonitions didn't always come true. Yami had even admitted that he had a few that never came to be, and only shared when he was certain that they would, so why...

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