💖Yusei x Reader💖

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Okay, for some crazy reason, the song Far Away played in my mind while writing the second part of this story. The video up top is an instrumental version of the song, if you want to hear it while reading.
This request was made by @sinister_phoenix21
Thank you for making this story request and I hope you enjoy it!✨


Lattes and Stars

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Lattes and Stars

"One more toss and you'll win the prize!" Said the skinny man behind the counter.

Though he sounded encouraging, his beady black eyes held a glint of worry. The game was rigged. He knew it, I knew it, and she knew it. She, being my clever girlfriend, was the one currently playing the game and had figured out the trick to winning by watching a few of the man's victims play. Was there anything in the booth worth winning?

No, but this was a family friendly fall festival and all the games were supposed to be honest and not rigged. However, this man decided not to follow the rules and kept cheating the kids out of their money. To make it worst, all the prizes in his booth were counterfeit Duel Monsters cards.

I had gotten back when I saw Y/N staring at the booth skeptically, and the next thing I knew, she had slapped down five bucks on the wooden counter. The man thought she was going to be another easy win under his belt, but I knew better. With one throw of the ball, she hit the bottles dead center and while they didn't fall over, she hit them with enough force to make the ball bounce back. The man sweated as she gave him a knowing glance.

"That's some glue your using, but the games are supposed to be honest."

The man's face redden at being caught, but he strained a smile at her and said, "They're not glued, just weight down a bit to make the game interesting. Here, try this bunch instead!" He then turned and took down the glued bottles and set the weighted down bottles in their place. "You got four balls left! Why not give it another try for a prize!"

Now on her third set of bottles, I was betting that the man wished he had never set up his scheme at all, as Y/N playfully tossed her last ball in her hand. He looked over at me with a pleading look and I quirked a brow back at him wondering what he expected me to do. "Why not let your boyfriend toss the last ball? Give him a chance to win a prize for you."

I bit back a laugh and shook my head. "No thanks, she knows what she's doing," I said.

Y/N smirked a smile at me as she continued to playfully toss up the ball with one hand as the other rested on her hip. "How about this?" she said looking back at the man, "I won't throw the ball if you take down your booth and pay back the kids that played your game."

The man stiffen and attempted to glare at her, but Y/N stop tossing up the ball as her emerald eyes harden. His eyes shifted to me and I gave him an impassive look that made his spine curl downward. Honestly, he needed to be more afraid of her than me. Jack's little sister knew how to take care of herself, but if he wanted to confirm that I would step in to help her then he'll have it. He visibly gulped and had the gull to ask why he should pay anyone back.

My Yu-Gi-Oh Request Book (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now