Jack Atlas X Reader🍋

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I am so excited about this one! This is my first 5Ds fanfic ever. I just started watching the show to get a better feel for Jack and I'm loving it! This Request is for jkl56789  I hope you enjoy it!


The early night buzzed with the hum of stadium lights and the chatter of the gathering crowds waiting to enter the iconic Kaiba dome. Every day you would see the stadium during your commute on the train, but this would be the first time you would enter it. A cool spring breeze kissed your cheeks leaving them with a pink glow as you stood outside the main gate with a ticket clenched in your hand. You watched as fans rushed to get in line at the ticket booths. For a moment you thought about turning around and going home but then you remember the strict command your boss gave you, "This is my repayment. Show up!"

You gave a light sigh thinking you would have gladly taken a day off as repayment but then again, 'the King' would think that a front row seat to a Riding Duel to watch him win counted as a prize. I doubt he would even notice if I'm here or not. Why did have to mention that I never seen one of these live?

"Excuse me Miss?"

You looked way from the crowed gates just as a loud groan filled the air when the screens flashed the dreaded red words, 'Sold Out'. A woman in the Kaiba dome uniform walked up to you and greeted you with an overly cheery smile and chipper voice, "Welcome to the Kaiba Dome esteem guest. I see that you have a ticket for the private gold box. Please follow me."

Private box seating! I thought those tickets were just a rumor! You gasped then took a closer look at the slip of gold in your hand then back at her with a nervous look. I really shouldn't have come! This is what I get for assuming that the front row tickets just look like this to get people to pay more money.

The woman's smile didn't drop but she did cock her head to the side as her eyes showed her confusion. "Miss?" She said.

"Thank you but if you just point to where I need to go, I can find my seat on my own." You said hoping that she would leave so that you could run home and watch the games from the comforts of your room. There was no way you wanted to spend an evening in a private box with a bunch of strangers. At least in the normal seating area you would fit in with the crowd.

"It's not a problem. I'll be tending to you this evening." She noticed how uncomfortable you were and asked to look at the slip. Her smile change from the stander greeter to one that was meant to assure you that you would have a great time and that you did belong here.

"Miss, this box is sold out and the only person sitting here is you. Mr. Atlas made the arrangement. I believe his words were, "So, that there will be no distractions." The ticket you're carrying means that you will have the best sitting in the house along with all the service that comes with it. So please, walk this way so that we can have you situated before the event starts."

"I can't believe he did that." You mutter to yourself, but again that would be just like him.

Seeing that there was no way to back out now you followed the woman through a different gate that had few people entering. The people in this section all glean with status and money while you stuck out like a sore thumb. Biting your lip, you wished you had dressed up a little more but relax when you remember that you were the only one seated at your box. When the woman opened the door to the room the colors of gold and red screamed out at you making you think of a king's box at royal jousting torment. Only this is a duel monsters torment, you thought as you spotted four seats cushioned with red velvet with gold lining.

"Miss, if you would please inspect the view." The woman said motioning to the large screen glass that went from the ceiling to the floor. You gasped at the sight and even took a step back when so your perception of the height could adjust.

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