🍋Prideshipping(Boss Kaiba x Secretary Yami)🍋

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Thank you to @KioshiKitten for making this request and for giving me a great plot to work with. You had to wait longer than I would have liked but I appreciated your patience while I worked to get my self back together.❤️

Okay, so this is my first ever prideshipping story so please bare with me! I had a lot of fun writing this and I love writing Kaiba and Yami going at it verbally but I never have them going at physically, lol😁, but I think it turn out okay.

Also keep in mind that I know next to squat about how games are developed and have a minimal understanding of how a business works. This was literally my mind as I was writing,

but hopefully the plot will take your mind off of those details

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but hopefully the plot will take your mind off of those details.😁 ❤️❤️❤️

Xxx Back in Your Life xxX

"8am-9am, Meeting with board members.

9am-10am, Going over new data reports.

11am-12pm, Meeting with Maximillian Pegasus

12pm-1pm, Lunch with Maximillian Pegasus."


It was only 7:30 am, and already the CEO and President of Kaiba CORP was giving his secretary a hard time. The woman sighed and glanced up from her tablet. Seto Kaiba kept his eyes on the screen of his laptop not bothering with the stern expression from the only person in his company who was allowed to look at him like that, ever. The woman stood in her black dress flats versus her usual high heels, and a blue pant suit with a white blouse. Correcting her glasses with a manicure hand she shifted her weight in her shoes and place the hand on her hip.

"You have declined twice already, Mr. Kaiba, he won't come to the meeting without a promise of lunch afterwards. If he doesn't come to this meeting it will jeopardize the new card launch and the new gaming plat form your team has spent months on. You need to stay on Pegasus good side." She boldly talked to Kaiba as if he were a stubborn child.

Kaiba spared a single glance at her then looked back at his laptop and said coldly, "Your job is to keep track of my schedule not worry about my business relations or projects."

The secretary arched a brow and said, "My job includes that you look and act like a human being so not to scare off your business partners, make sure no one slips poison into your coffee, and hide the fact that you are an overworked robot. Speaking of which, tonight is the gala at Domino Tower, I arranged a date for you."

Kaiba stopped his typing to looked at the woman, but before he could speak, she lifted her hand holding the tablet to cut him off and said, "Your PR team said you need to be seen by the public more and this gala is for charity. Your suit is already here, and I'll have the car pick up the girl first and pick you up here at 6:30." She then shifted her weight to her other leg saying, "Please, try to be sociable with this one. It's getting harder to find women willing to fill in as your date."

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