🍋Triberga Girl (Vampire YamixReader)🍋

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This request was made by MeriaShadowsong . Art is not mine and belongs to Azumi Ko.

There was something in her request that made me think of dark fairy tales and lore. I think it had to do with her mentioning having Yami and Seto living in the woods.
It really should have been a simpler story to write but from that plot idea a more complex story wanted to be told.
I was asked to make Yami as dark I could and boy did I go dark. Too dark. So dark that I forgot that the reader still needed to be willing to love him and not ram a stake into his heart.
But that's the thing with fairytales; they are dark before the happily ever after.
Note- reader is read as 'persona'

There is a great forest that spilt the land in two from one end to the other. Parts of the forest the people knew well and traveled often to get between the two great cities of our nation. Others made town and villages where they lumbered the wood when needed and hunted for wild game. But the forest was so grand that there where parts where no one dared entered. The trees grew so tall that the branches blocked out the sun's light even on the brightest of days.

One of these places was famously named the Night Forest since no matter what time of day you walked through it the sky of branches always made it seem like night. Here the people believed that demons and monsters lived without fear of being scorn by the sun. Some even say that if you walk far enough into the Night Forest you will enter the realm of demons, where a King rules them. But just because people warned others of this place doesn't mean that no one has fallen victim to its shadows.

Many foolish adventures have disappeared into those trees hoping to discover its secrets and none have ever returned. A King from another land had even purposely lost his youngest daughter to the woods to be free of her spoiled ways. And no one dared lived near the woods that surrounded that evil part of the forest, for I tell you, my children, you are only safe from Night Forest during the day.

When night comes the shadow of those dark trees spread out and over the woods and the creatures of that place will feast on any human flesh that is near. For centuries it was this way till a group of six brave families came and settled down. Demon slayers they were! Vampire hunters! Executor of monsters! They fought off the devils of the woods till the creatures feared town that dares to live near it and that town is called...

"THE TOWN OF TRIBERGA!" The children cried out and fell into fits of giggles as the old woman moved around the bomb fire, swishing her colored shirt and dangling the little bells on her wrist. The adults chuckled and shushed the children to quiet down so that the storyteller could go on.

"YES! Our founders were called upon the King himself to tame this part of the woods! But do not fear my dears, for the six families shed so much blood so that you do not have too! The age of demon slaying has long since pass, but we the people of Triberga do not forget what our founders did. Even if the nation they protected does!" The people cheered and raise a fist to the air as they chanted their town's name. "YES! tonight we dance and sing on this very night to commemorate the founding of our beloved town!" The woman belted out with a laugh as the children cheered at the idea of staying up as late as they wished.

The old woman then toss out sweets into the crowed for the children to fall upon like chickens for gain. She then tossed sweet rolls out to the women and pears to the men. All laughed merrily as the men caught the fruit in their empty beer tankers. One man had not yet finished his beer and rung out a jolly laugh as the malted liquid splashed him and his rosy cheeked wife. The wife pulled the pear out of the tanker to show the crowd then went to kiss her husband turning him red with glee. Cheers and whistles erupted out but soon settle down so that the storyteller could finish her ritual.

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