🍋Dartz X Reader🍋

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Not open for request yet.😉 This story was requested by @KatherineLowe3. Thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoy your story.💖
The sun was setting with a cool heat that mid-September always brings. A group of young adults stood in the pathway leading to a stone white mansion. It had been years since they gather like this and though they were all excited to see each other they weren't sure how they felt about the slumber party they were invited to at Seto Kaiba's Mansion.

"Are we sure this isn't a trap?" Joey asked.

The group all turned their gaze to him in one dramatic wave and Joey held up his hands saying, "I'm just saying what everyone's thinking! I mean this is Kaiba, right? Him and sleepovers don't exactly fit together."

"Mm," Tea sighed then said, "He does have a point, but isn't Kaiba passed the trying to kill us over card games."

"We can still turn around and leave." Tristan said as he swung his duffle bag over his shoulder.

You and Yugi glanced at each other as you two where the only one's willing to give Kaiba the benefit of the doubt. You were dressed in a summer dress due to the heat and low heels. Before either of you could answer Tristan, the doors opened outwards and Mokuba called out to the group.

His boyish smile made up their minds as he cheerfully shouted, "Hey guys! The sleepover is not out there!"

In a united sigh, the group picked up their bags and walked up the steps. Mokuba opened the door wider and as you walked in you felt yourself felt overwhelm by the extravagance of the place. High ceilings ornamented by crystal chandeliers that shone light down to the marble flooring and a staircase with high quality brass led up to the floors above us. Mokuba's excited voice drew you away from your observations as he hung from the railings of the staircase.

"Come on! I'll show you were your rooms are!" He said then ran up the step without waiting to see if we were following.

Tristan rubbed his head and looked back over at us saying, "Last chance guys."

"We can't leave now." Tea said motioning to where Mokuba had been. "He's so excited to have us here."

"Fine, fine." Tristan replied. He followed behind Tea with you trailing. From behind you Joey was asking Yugi if he remember the last time, they had spent the night at the Kaiba mansion. You befriended the group during Battle city, but they told you about their past adventures in Duelist Kingdom and Dead-T. "I'm sure it's not going to be like last time," Yugi whispered back.

Mokuba was quick about showing everyone their rooms, but you're was the only in a different hallway. It felt weird to be sleeping so far from the rest of the group but the young Kaiba boy explained that was no where else to put you. "I'm really sorry, but we made sure you'll be comfortable in here."

"It's alright." You said as you walked out of your room after setting your things inside. "I'll be fine, and the room is beautiful."

"So, where you're big brother at?" Joey asked as he came down the hall with the rest of the group at his back.

"He's downstairs entertaining the other two guests." Mokuba said and before anyone could ask, he pushed pass the group and turned to wave for everyone to again follow him.

Downstairs, Mokuba led you and the group to a pair of large doors where a familiar laugh trickle through. You had only met this person briefly, but it was hard to ignore the nervous looks the others gave each other as Mokuba opened the door. The light haughty become louder then stopped as a teasing voice replaced it.

"Oh Kaiba-boy, you never change, but I suppose not everyone grows a sense of humor."

"It would help if you were actually funny." Kaiba droned then turn his cold gaze to the group. "Finally made it I see. Now we can begin."

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