🍋Yuto x Reader🍋

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This one is for @Serena_Geales ! Thank you for being so patient and for making this request. I hope you enjoy it!💖


Swim Day

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Swim Day

How light she felt floating on the water. Y/N had laid with her limbs spread out and eyes closed to the sky. She could hear the sound of her breath and the beat of her heart in her ears mixing with the vibrations of the water. The swim cap she had worn to do laps sat by the edge. The way the water comb out her hair always felt good; especially on sunny days like this one. Right now, most people would be at the public or gym pools, but Y/N wanted to be alone in her sacred element, so she snuck into her college's outdoor pool.

Since Y/N was a child, she had always loved water. She learned to swim at an early age, and joined the swim team in both her middle and high school years. She wouldn't consider herself a competitive person, but the hours needed to practice in the water filled her own personal need.

She laid on top the water in her favorite swimsuit taking in the cool water. She had planned to go to the public pool, but her feet led her back here, and Y/N mused that it would be more relaxing here than sharing the water with a bunch of children. On Sundays, this place was closed and yesterday Y/N had to spend the day studying for her classes. The campus felt deserted since people would either be inside cramming for tomorrow's class or off somewhere far away on this beautiful day. Y/N didn't think she would be caught swimming around the pool since it laid at the back of the campus grounds behind the building containing the indoor pool. Y/N's mind was at peace, till she heard something entering the water.

Y/N rolled off her back to glance around to see who had entered the pool. Her eyes then caught a person swimming franticly towards her. She didn't recognize them right away as her mind marvel at the speed and form they used to move through the water. Then, in a instant that happen fast yet not fast enough, she realized who the person was when she spotted the color of his hair. She involuntarily pushed herself away and opened her mouth in a gasp. Water entered her throat, and she began to cough just as her life long crush stopped to talk to her.

"Are you alright?" He asked as Y/N got her coughing under control.

"Yes," she managed to say as she dreaded to think how red her face must look from the coughing and embarrassment of being found. "Yes, I'm fine, you just surprised me Yuto."

Yuto wasn't just her crush since middle school, oh no, he was her first love. Who am I kidding? I still love him, said the small voice in her heart. Cold, serious, calm, and collected, Yuto was someone who Y/N couldn't help but be shy around. They weren't friends, but they weren't strangers to each other either. In school as kids, they had a total of ten interactions that Y/N could count. Each interaction was so minor that Y/N didn't know what he thought of her or if he thought of her at all.

"What are you doing here?" She asked distractedly.

His grey eyes narrowed at her as he replied, "I should be asking you that. The pool is closed on Sundays."

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