🚢Joey's Only Sister (YugiXSerenity/Timidshipping)

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This took me two tries to get this story to go the way I wanted. I think it turned out alright and I did have fun in the end. This story is a request by Alysa_Moon . I hope you enjoy it!


Yugi sat on the couch in his home lightly sweating under the white collar of his dress shirt from the hostility radiating from a pair of honey colored eyes. Eyes belonging to his best friend Joey Wheeler. The blonde sat straight in a chair directly across from Yugi with his hands gripping the ends of the arm rest, chest puffed out and legs spread. Joey looked like a tiger ready to pounce if Yugi so much as breathed the wrong way. The small clock in the room ticked the seconds too loudly as the pair sat and waited. Yugi wished that Joey would just say what he needed too, instead of sitting there staring at him. Joey would have obliged him with a well thought out threat, but it would be wasted on his friend. This little show of aggression would be enough to make his point. However, if it were Tristan or Duke in Yugi's position than a threat would be necessary.

Serenity was his only sister and if she had to be with someone then Joey was grateful, she chose Yugi.

Unknow to the young gamer, Joey's kid sister had formed a small crush on him during battle city. No one noticed with Tristan and Duke constant bickering and attempts of flirtation with the girl. With all the drama of card games and the fate of the world hanging in the balance Joey had barely noticed how his sister's eyes would slyly shift towards Yugi when she thought no one was watching. Serenity knew that Yugi had his mind on other things and his that his heart was already spoken for, so nothing happen. Nothing happen for either of them for six years. While Yugi's affections on his school crush dwindled down to friendship, Serenity's stayed the same for him. Whenever Joey and Serenity talked, she would always slip in a question about Yugi. "How is your friend Yugi doing?" Or, "Is Yugi's grandpa's shop doing well?" And, "There's a new torment coming up. Will Yugi be competing?"

At their high school graduation Serenity hardly spoke a word to Yugi, but the shine in her eyes was still there. It annoyed Joey to no end that he wanted to set them up on one date just so his sister would move on from her crush. If it were up to him his sweet sister would join a convent and die a nun.

"You don't mean that, Joey. Don't you want to see her happy?"

"She can be happy as a nun."

Mai rolled her eyes as she wished she could knock Joey outside his head through the video chat. The older woman had grown attached to Serenity during battle city and kept in contact with her ever since. Serenity had only now let slipped that she like Yugi and Mai felt that it was her duty as Serenity's friend/older sister that something be done about it and called Joey's attention to it.

"Why do you even care Mai? I thought you were busy setting Tea up with Yugi."

"Well she snoozed and snoozed and flew off never returning."

"Tea came back twice."

"But nothing happened right?" Mai sighed at the shrug Joey gave her saying, "I suppose it a bit more complicated than that, poor dear."

"Uh-huh." Joey said with a stretch.

"Don't "uh-huh" me! You're Serenity's older brother and Yugi's best friend! Just set them up for one date!"

Joey knew that she was right and that he agreed with her but the stubborn nature in him didn't want to give in. "No way!"

"Joey Wheeler give me one good reason why not! And if you say age difference, I will break it off with you, after I slap you silly!"

My Yu-Gi-Oh Request Book (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now