💖The Princess Games Part 1💖

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Yup, this one is a two parter. This is the longest request I've ever done and the request was not even that difficult. A princess story that is both mordern yet old fashion. Fluffy with hints of angst and of course, card games. But the games will come later and they won't be the focus of the story.

Thank you to PrincessRainbowdashy for giving me this request and for being so incredibly flexible, not to mention patient with me. I had fun hearing all of her idea and from her I was able to come up with this story plot.

The second part is nearly finished, but I decided to at least post the first half since the whole story runs about 20098 words currently. I need about another 5000 words to be completely finish. I do have a personal limit of 15000, but this story unfolded before me so easliy and quickly that I could not stop. I hope that you all ( and especially PrincessRainbowdashy )  find the time I took to write this overly compilcant story worth it or at the very least entertaining.

And now, please enjoy!(^^)


The gardens at Domino Castle were closed to the public so that the families of the visiting dignitaries could stroll around the grounds without the gawking eyes of commoners. The large castle in the neutral city of Domino was built for the purpose of housing visiting high nobles and royalty. Once a year, a summit was held at the castle to help promote harmony among the six kingdoms that surrounded the city and ruled over the land of Leon.

The world and the politics of Leon were far too complicated and uninteresting for two young boys who were forced to come with their families to the summit. They came from different lands though they shared a family bond and though both were princes, only one would be king one day. As the meeting went on inside, the young princes slipped away from their caretakers and found a hidden place in the garden where they could play a game.

"I active my spell card to summon my monster and directly attack you!" Shouted out a boy of twelve years with flame like hair of crimson, black and gold.

The younger boy, eleven-years-old, with the same style of hair, but with purple instead of crimson, did not flinch as he retorted, "I play a trap from my hand to send one card to my graveyard to stop your attack and end your turn!"

The attacking monster that floated in the air between them stopped and lower their weapon to a resting position. The older boy huffed to himself while folding his arms. His younger cousin had more of a strategy than he let on in the beginning of their game.

The younger boy drew his next card on his turn then said with calm firmness, "I active my card's effect from the graveyard to special summon one level 7 monster to my field. I can't attack so; I play one card face down and end my turn."

It was not a bad move, but Yami could see the flaw the behind the younger prince's gameplay. Drawing a card, Yami's red eyes roamed over the cards in his hand. He did not have the card he needed so he would have to survive Yugi's next turn. "I placed one card and set two cards." His eyes glance over and smirked to himself when he spotted hints of nervousness in the boys round violet eyes.

So, he wanted me attack, but can't he see that was too obvious? Yami noted the five hundred attack point difference from his monster and the level 7 monster Yugi had out on his field. An attack would either trigger an effect or the set card's effect. Let's see what he does next, Yami mused as he cock a grin at his opponent and taunted, "It's your turn Yugi. I wonder how you're going to turn this duel around now that you finally deiced to take things more seriously."

My Yu-Gi-Oh Request Book (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now