💚💖The Princess Games Part 3💖💚

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This the last part of this story! Thank you so much to PrincessRainbowdashy ! You made this fun for me to write by letting me be my crazy artist self! There are parts were I wish I could improve but I took too much time already. I am pleased with how this turned out and I hope you are too!

Thank you! 💖💛💖


Y/N didn't know how she was able to get any sleep, but she found herself awaking as the servants came into the room to draw back her curtains. Another servant came to her bedside to set down a cup containing a hot drink. Groggily, Y/n sat back against her bed then reached over for the cup to take a sip, when Cecelia and Tea came into the room already dressed for the day. Y/N paused holding the cup to her lips then glanced out the window. "Did I sleep in?" She asked looking back at the women.

"Only for an hour, but there was no need to get you up early," Cecelia explained.

"You looked exhausted when the ball ended that we thought it would be better to let you sleep," Tea added tenderly.

Y/N set down her cup and saucer on her night stand and let out a deep breath. Cecelia and Tea glanced at each other worriedly, but Y/N didn't pay them any attention. The day was finally here. The first of the games would be played midmorning and continue till the evening.

If fate were kind, it would all be over by tomorrow night. By Sunday morning, she would wake up a Queen recognized by all. Losing was never an option for her but after the behavior she witness from Yugi and Yami, she could not afford to lose to either of them. It would be an instant engagement.

All joking aside, she did not want a force marriage with either of them. Her dresser then came into the room and bowed to Y/N, but she did not move away from the door till her queen commanded that she was ready. Taking one last deep breath, Y/n tossed off the blankets then got up from the bed.

"Let's get this over with." She said with a calm sigh. 


As expected, the nobles were wiped out of the competition by the first evening and only three of the princes were left standing. The games were done for the day and tomorrow the final duels would be played. After dinner, there was some light entertainment and socializing though Y/N really wasn't in the mood for either. Still she put on her best hostess mask and worked on her diplomacy.

Ryou was chatting with Kisara when Y/N walked to the pair with Yugi at her side. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your conversation," Y/n said, sounding genteel.

Ryou and Kisara bowed as Y/N went on saying, "I wanted to introduce my friend, Prince Yugi, to you Prince Ryou." The two men acknowledged each other with a short nod, but both seemed unsure about Y/N's intent. "I believe that the two of you have a common knack for games and riddles," she explained cheerfully. "Ryou told me yesterday that he solved a 100-year-old cipher he found in his family's library."

"Really," Yugi commented trying to sound politely interested.

Ryou made a humble smile and shrugged, "It was something my ancestors came up with, but it was never used because of a flaw in the system."

Ryou gave off a sincere aura that Yugi found himself instantly liking the man and asked, "How did you know that you fixed it? Ciphers have a way of making you think you solved the code. And what was the flaw? Was it too easy to solve or did someone mess-up the code and the right answer could never be given?"

Ryou blinked and his smile widen at the intense interest since neither Kaiba nor Yami cared for this particular hobby of solving old ciphers that were no longer useful. As the two began talking, Y/N turned to Kisara and whispered, "We should go. There is someone I would like you to meet."

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