💖💚Kaiba x Reader💚💖

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This request is for @RikkuNeko ! I really hope you like it and that it takes your mind away for a bit. You're such a sweet person, so working on this for you was really enjoyable.

This story does have some light lime and I did some light editing to it.



Chaotic Ceremony

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Chaotic Ceremony

The howling wind banged at the windows; making them rattle in their frames. Sheets of rain pelted the lonely castle's roof, as lighting lit the night sky. The supernatural part in Pegasus's mind made him wonder if the young CEO had found out what had been taken from him.

No, not yet, but tomorrow he will, he mused as he walked down the dimly lit corridor. The few lights that were on flickered with a buzz, but Pegasus walked on without worry. He knew his castle well enough to walk in the dark if he had to, but the lights did not fail from storm raging outside.

Maximillian Pegasus, creator of Duel Monsters, had been missing from the public eye for years since his defeat in Duelist Kingdom's championship. He harbored no resentment, but he was tired of living under the shadows of other duelist that continued to outplay him in his own game.

What he needed was to make a grand entrance back into society, or at the very lease a publicity stunt that would have people talking for years to come. The corner of his lip turned up to a grin as he stopped infront of a locked door. He gave it a rhythmic knock then waited for a maid to pop out her head to speak to him.

"Well?" He asked with restrain excitement.

The middle age woman felt guilty for having a role in this fiendish plan, but she needed the extra money the madman offered her. "It's done, and the man you hired said that everything will go as you wish, sir." Pegasus made a low chuckle that had the woman's skin crawl with disgust. When he made to enter the room, she blocked him by saying, "Please, it's bad luck to see so soon."

"Ah, you're right!" Pegasus cried out. "What was I thinking! Well, I'll leave the rest to you." The woman sighed and was about to shut the door when Pegasus's usually placid voice spoke with a sharper edge saying, "And remember my dear, tell anyone about this, and not one penny will go to your family."

She nodded grimly, and looked away from the dark glare his eye stared at her with. There had to be more to the plan than what she knew. At least, she hoped there was as she closed the door. No one like thinking their employer was completely crazy.


Far away in the city of Domino, the weather did not storm, but Seto Kaiba could not sleep. Three days had gone by without a word from Y/N. It was the longest she had ever went without speaking to him, and Kaiba felt ready to be the first to cave. Just what was her problem anyways!

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