💖Joey x Reader💖

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This request is for Starcrossedshipper13 ! Thank you so much for making this request and I hope you enjoy it. I packed as much fluffy goodness without dying of heart failure. Again, the song up top was something that I listened to while writing on loop, lol. 



Life Love

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Life Love


What are you going to do after graduation? What is your plan? Where do you see yourself in five years? Joey Wheeler had been asked these questions since entering high school, but with each passing year the questions were asked with added gravity. The answers he gave to his teachers each time left them troubled and shaking their heads, but it never bothered. Joey knew that going off to be a pro-duelist was his calling. He felt no shame telling anyone who asked what he wanted to do after graduation. The future never bothered him before, till after the incident with Diva.

Nearly losing his memories and his existence became a huge wake-up call for him. His plan to go off dueling around the world didn't change, but Joey started to see not a different future, but a modified one. A future that included something he never thought he would want. But it came to him just before he had been rescued by Atem.


Joey snapped out of his daydream and glanced at the girl sitting across from him. They were in a café together waiting for the rest of their friends to show up. Or rather, she was waiting for them to show up while Joey pondered how to talk with her. Teá knew about the set-up, and had just sent a text apologizing to Y/N for not being able to show up. Yugi and Tristan were left out, but there was no danger of them finding out what Joey had done.

"Is everything alright?" She asked. "You just zoned out."

"I'm fine, just thinking about when we can all meet together again before graduation is all." He said hastily with a nervous smile. Y/N gave him a small look as she fidgeted her hands on her lap.

Despite what her friends thought, she was not as naïve as they thought. This had all the feeling of a set up. Not just any set-up, a date. No wonder Teá had called last night to tell me to wear my pink dress. The dress Y/N had on was a romantic looking pink dress with a little red roses pattern that hug her body nicely, while showing off her collarbone, shoulders, and legs. Her long hair was done in soft waves that flowed down her back and her make-up was done in a natural look that made her skin glow and eyes pop. Thank goodness she had done her nails yesterday, but why couldn't have Teá just told her the truth.

For that matter, why didn't Joey just asked her if she wanted to go out with him. Because this is a very Joey thing for him to do, she thought with a sigh and asked innocently, "Do you want to reschedule since the others couldn't make it?"

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