Dont Tell Anyone

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Elizabeth Rose-

How did we get recognize? We've been living in this town for 14 years and nobody had recognize us?

I looked at my brothers and they were speechless.

"How did you know?" asked Ashton

"I know EVERYTHING about England!" the blonde girl said while jumping around.


"Wait what are ya'll doing here? Of all places why Texas?" she asked in her southern voice

"So we couldn't get recognize" I said


"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Bryson asked using his puppy dog eyes

She melted like butter "Of course!"

"Well we gotta go I am HUNGRY!" I said while pushing my brothers.

"Bye!" she yelled eagerly.

"That was a close one" I said while sighing

"Sure was" they all said

We ordered and sat in a booth.

"I need that one thing!You've got that one thing!"

I jumped and immediately answered my phone. Yes, my ringtone "One Thing" by One Direction. I gotta represent my hometown!


"Elizabeth Rose how are you?"

"Good father, how about you?"

"Quite good" he sounded like he was holding something back.

"Is something wrong?"

"I have some news on your mother"


The boys looked startled as I shook the whole booth.

I put the phone on speaker.

"They have a clue on who took her" he said

"Who?!" the boys yelled

"I can't say right now, but they think that he will be after Elizabeth Rose"

"Why me?!"

"Because I don't know if you remember,but he threatened you with a gun. I never told you this, but he left a voicemail that said one day he'll be back for you"

I almost threw up ad he said this. Why me? Why my mother. I started to feel shaky. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"It's gonna be alright Elizabeth" Bryson comforted me. He was the only one who could calm me down. But right now he wasn't really helping.

My breathing became shorter and my vision blurred.

"Are you okay?"

"No" was all I whispered before darkness consumed me.


DUN DUNN DUNNNN! Didn't expect that right?! Me either! :o

Sorry if its short! Its like midnight and I'm tired. might upload later!

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