New Teachers

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Sorry for the long wait. Hope this is long.! :)


Elizabeth Rose-

I was in the car with Brad when I suddenly had a thought.

"How are they going to be teachers don't we have enough?"

"They are going to be sorta like assistants to the teachers" he explained.

"Oh" I said

This was going to be fun.

We pulled up to the school. I liked my school. It was a public school. It wasn't a rich kid school. This is where the middle class people went. I mean we all had decent cars. Our parents weren't rich but they had enough money to provide for them. Also we didn't judge people at my school. It was like a dream school. Where everyone got along. (If only!)

We pulled into a driving spot and got off. I saw everyone staring at the bodyguards. Who wouldn't? The boys seemed surprised at the fact that none if the girls were screaming for them. I laughed as I saw their expressions. They turned and looked at me.

"This town isn't really into media and all that other stuff" I explained

They nodded and blew out a sigh of relief. I understood them. I was like that when we first got here. I thought people would recognize us. But nope! They thought we were another wealthy family.

I shook my head while laughing and went to meet up with Eleanor while the guys went to check in. I smiled as I saw her casual self. She was wearing stripped shirt with red pants. I laughed at her outfit.

"What's up with the stripes?" I asked

"Felt like doing something new today" she said

You can never get enough of El.

I laughed and hooked our arms together as we skipped to class. I sighed as I saw which bodyguard I had for this period. I looked for him and couldn't see him. I saw no teacher in fact. I sat down and looked it my brothers too. No sign of them. Hmm? What happened?

I heard cheering coming from outside in the hall. Oh god! They figured out who they were. I ran out if the class an saw that the principle was dancing around and fist pumping. I started laughing myself. I saw my brothers and went to them.

"What happened?"

"The school got approved for a grant to help us go on a field trip." They explained.

"Oohhh. Where to?'' I asked

"They haven't told us''

"Excuse the interruption students and staff we are having an assembly in the auditorium" they announced

I went with my brothers but had to sit somewhere else because they were seniors and I was a sophomore. I sat with El and saw that Zayn was close by me. El was looking far across the room an I tried to see where she was looking at. I looked and saw Louis. I turned back to El and saw her blushing. Aww! El and Louis. Seems legit.

I smiled and felt someone staring at me. I was about to look for who it was but then Tyler sat next to me and put his arm around me. I jumped and was tense but then I noticed it was him.

"What up babe?" He asked

Tyler was my other best friend. He was the schools player. What most people didn't know was that he was a complete sweetheart. When we first started high school he had tried and asked me out. I said no but him being the arrogant player that he is wouldn't give up. I finally said yes after he had put up flyers around the school with my picture and underneath it said "Elizabeth Rose Hunter will you go out with me?" Those suckers were EVERYWHERE. Turns out we didn't really make it like a couple. I liked him but more like another brother.

I felt eyes on me but didn't want to look for the owner. I turned my head to Tyler and smiled. He always knew how to make me feel better.

"What up?" I asked

"Do you know what this is about?" He asked

"Yeah. Umm. They said that they got approved for some field trip thingy" I explained

"Oohhh! Where to?" He asked

"That's why we are here" I said

"Well excuse me miss know it all" he said

I smirked and hit him. I felt someone glaring at me so I decided to see who it was. I looked all around and saw that it was someone standing in the corner looking at me. I couldn't make out who it was but they were definitely staring at me. I tilted my head to see who it was and saw that he was older so he couldn't be a teacher or student. Who was it?

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen but I have a VERY important announcement to make, it seems like the school got approved for a grant for us to take a field trip"

The students cheered I cheered a little but I kept staring at the figure in the corner. I felt Tyler's arms go to my waist and he pulled my tighter to him. I looked at him and cocked my head to the side.

"What?" I asked

"The man in the corner keeps staring at you" He said

"You see him too?" I asked


I leaned in more closer to Tyler and looked back to the front.

"Where to y'all may ask?" Well we are going to London, England!" He yelled

Everyone cheered while I froze. What!? Why England!? I looked over at my brothers and they were cheering. Stupid idiots. I felt El tap me and raise her eyebrows and then she did that thing she always did where she raises one up and down.

I laughed as she did this. I felt Tyler release his arm and I felt sorta cold. I shivered and then felt a jacket being placed over me. I looked and saw that it was Zayn.

"You look cold my princess" he said

I smiled "Thanks, but you don't have to call me that in public"

He smiled "I know"

I smiled and hugged his jacket closer to me. I then remembered that figure in the corner. I looked back so fast I thought I was going to get whiplash. I saw him blow me a kiss and then disappear into the shadows. I shivered again and shook my head. It couldn't be him. They wouldn't let a random person onto campus.

"So we leave in 1 week and we will visit all the tourist sites and get an exclusive tour of the castle of King William Hunter and his children" he said

I sighed. Really dad? Really?

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