Not My Fault

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It's Tuesday!

Lol. I'm now excited for Tuesday. I hope y'all are too. ^.^

Anyways I've been thinking about doing another story. Y'all all know how I went to Disney World. Well while over their I met the Princess! And while I was on line I saw one of them go back in their dressing rooms and they came out a totally different person. I suddenly got the idea. What if I do a fan Fic about a Disney Princess? Does it seem like a good idea? Now I have a question for y'all. Who should it be about?

Comment below who you think should have this Princess heart?






Comment below please?

Also comment which Disney Princess would best fit the boy that you choose.

For Example -

"Liam and Belle ( from Beauty and a Beast)"

So just comment something like that! I will announce wether or not I'll be making the book and who it will be about next Tuesday!




I awaited the pain from the concrete. But it never came. I opened my tightly shut eyes and saw it was one if my father's bodyguards. He was in his 20's at least. Black jet hair was swept back. Cool bright blue eyes met my green ones.

"Please be more careful Princess"

I blushed. "Thank you"

He nodded and set me down. "What on earth were you trying to do?"

"Someone was in a black suit and mask knocking and I got scared and paranoid and decided to be an idiot and jump" I said

He chuckled. "You're not an idiot" he put back one of my black curls that had fallen out of the messy bun.

I blushed. "Well thank you for saving me"

"No problem. It's what I'm here for"

"Catching girls that fall from the sky?" I joked

"Well not exactly what I signed up for. But I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world"

"Why. You sure are devoted to this job."

"It's what I feel like I should be doing with my life"

"Well I should be going. Go explain that I'm alright"

"Of course. See you around Princess"

"See you later Mr. ?"

"It's William Austin your highness"

"See you later Mr. Austin"

He bowed

I left and went up to the elevator. I clicked the open button and found a very angry looking Zayn.

"What was that?" He asked

What was what?" I asked clueless

"Don't act stupid! Who was that guy!?" He asked his voice raising.

"First if all don't call me stupid. Second , he saved my life!"

"He wouldn't have to be saving your life if you would've stopped" he whispered

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