His Cookie Monster/Cowgirl

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Sorry for long wait. Sorry for my mistakes on this chappie m


It might get a little steamy. Nothing too sexual.



We unloaded the bus and were currently waiting in the airport lounge. The planes were behinds schedule. It's 5 am and I'm hungry and grouchy. I'm not really a morning person I'm general. I didn't even sleep on the bus. The seats were too hard and I need my space.

Zayn was walking over to me with a cookie and a Starbucks Carmel Frapp.


I nodded and grabbed the cookie. I devoured it in 2 bites. Zayn whistled.

"Clam down my Cookie Monster"

I laughed and sipped on his Starbucks.

Everyone was crashed out so we didn't need to be careful.

"Well I have great news. I talked to your principle and he said you and Eleanor can ride with us on our private jet"

I threw my head back. "Yes!"

He laughed. "We should get going. I'll go and get your things and you go get Eleanor"

We walked away. I saw El sleeping on too chairs looking uncomfortable as hell.

"El get up hon. We are going with the guys"

She moaned. "Huh?"

"We're going on the private jet"

She perked right up. She grabbed her things. "Let's go" she said in a hurry.

I laughed as I followed behind her. We went through the gate and saw the jet. We walked in and saw the boys.

"So we already solved who sleeping with who. Zayn and Ellie. Louis and Eleanr. Then everyone has their own bed"

We both nodded too tired to care.

I went to one of the rooms. I saw my things and went to them. I grabbed my wife beater and some short shorts. I put them on and slid into bed. I felt a warm body grab my waist and pull me to them. I smiled and leaned in. I feel asleep after that.

*****Next Morning******

I awoke to a sleeping Zayn. He looked like a sleeping angel. I slightly traced his face with my fingers. His jawline. His eyebrows. His lips. A hand grabbed my wondering one and put it to his lips. He kissed them slightly.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I don't know I'm bored"

"Well my princess cannot be bored!" He said

He straddled me and started kissing my neck. I giggled as he left love bites. I moaned loudly as he bit my soft spot. I felt him smirk as he bit again

Good thing we had our own room. Ge trailed his kisses down to my stomach. He lifted his head up and looked at me. I nodded as he pulled my top off. He kissed my bare stomach. He trailed back up and started kissing me. He was about to take off my shorts hen someone knocked.

"Malik! We are landing in a couple of minutes!" Paul yelled

"Ok!" Zayn said getting off of me.

"I think I should take a shower" I said

"I think I should too" he said smirking.

"After me" I said

He pouted as I left him alone. I grabbed my luggage as went to the restroom. I took a quick shower. I dried my hair and left it to its natural self. I put on my undergarments and chosed a lacey white shirt. With an undershirt underneath. I picked out a pair of jeans shorts. I found some cowgirl boots and put them on. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Howdy!" I said trying to imitate a Texas accent. After all these years of living in Texas I still couldn't get the accent. I would go back home too often. I pretended that my hands were guns and shot around.

I heard a throat clear.

"Are you almost ready cowgirl?" Zayn asked.

I blushed and nodded

He had my things all ready ad we exited out of the plane. I took a deep death in and smiled.

Home sweet home!

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