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I woke to the sound of someone banging on the door. I picked my head up groggily and looked around. It took me a few minutes to remember where I am. I saw felt arms wrapped protectively around my waist. I smelt A woodsy, smokey scent. I turned around slowly and saw Zayn. He looked like an angel. I would've stayed in the position until he woke up but the banging on the door sorta ruined it. I carefully removed his hands and jumped out of bed.

"Hello?!" I said annoyed

"Hello my princess!" Said a bright Louis.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Hello Louis!"

"Mind if I come in?"

I moved out of the way and let him through.

He cleared his throat.

"Something wrong?" I ask

"I didn't expect you to have company this early"


He simply pointed to Zayn. Ohh!

"Oh! Yeah he decided to come here early in the morning" I lied



"Because he never gets up earlier that 12 in the afternoon...."

"Mmmm" I said

"Well why don't go out for breakfast?'


We left Zayn alone to sleep. I was wearing 1D pajamas. Louis was wearing the usual red pants and stripped shirt with TOMS. compared to Louis I looked like I live on the streets.

"Do I look ok?" I asked.

He looked at me. He shook his head. He pulled me around and was doing something to my hair. After he was done he looked at my clothes. He scanned the hospital. His eyes brightened when he spotted the gift shop. He went in and bought me a stripped shirt similar to his and red pants. He also went and bought me TOMS. I laughed when he came out. He handed me the bags

"Thank you"

"Not a problem. I haven't seen my little sisters in forever and I would do these kinda things with them." He said. Sadness tinted his eyes.

I hugged him. "I can be your sister! Even though it won't be the same I'll try" I suggested.

He pulled back with tears in his eyes. "That is the nicest thing anyone has said to me. Thank you RoRo!"

I smiled. "I'm going to go change"

He nodded and we went to find a restroom. He went in first then me. It was a family restroom. But Louis said that he had to go in with me. I was fine with it. They had stalls so I was covered. I got out and went to the mirror. I looked at myself. Wow! Louis did a French braid!

"Where did you learn how to do this?!" I asked

"Being the only boy in your family had its advantages".

"Well you did a fantastic job!"

"Thank you princess"

We went out of the restroom. We walked out of the hospital. I saw that there was no limo.

"Where's the limo?"

"We aren't taking one"

"Then what are we taking?"

'This" he said

I liked and saw a yellow Camaro.

"BUMBLEBEE!" He yelled



"This car is so cute!"

"Wait. Hold up. This car isn't cute. It's sweet" he said

"It's cute"













"troublemaker" I said

Referring to "Troublemaker" by Olly Murs.

He looked at me. "I see what you did there"

"Haha. Am I am alright sister?"

"Sure are!"


"Here do you want to eat?" He asked

"There's a little diner up the road"

He drove until we got there. We noticed slot of cars there. I sorta got nervous when we pulled up. Louis must've sensed it because he grabbed my hand and held it. We walked in and saw multiple people. Mostly teens my age. They were all huddled in the corner while the older people were out in the open.

"Hello! Table of booth?

"Booth?" Louis asked

I nodded

"Right this way!" This girl was too perky in my opinion.

"May I get your drink order?"

"2 French Vanilla Lattes"

"Ok be right out"

Louis looked at me. "You ok?"


"No you aren't."

"It's just those kids keep staring at us"

He casually turned around. He waved to one of the girls and then turned back around.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You are one of a kind Tomlinson"

"Thanks Hunter"

Our drinks came and she took our orders. We both ordered a cheese and bacon omelette. Our food came quickly and we sat there in silence. We heard the door bell ring signaling that someone came in. I turned to see who it was. My jaw dropped. It couldn't be. No. No. No. No.

"Something wrong?"

"Lo-lo-Louis" I said


"Th-th-th-the man. My mums ki-kidanpper"

He went pale. He was walking over to the kids. I went under the table to Louis side of the booth. He shielded me with his body. He took out his phone and texted everyone what was happening. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks.

"Don't cry RoRo" Louis said comforting me

"Please don't let him take me" I begged.

"I won't. I promise"

Louis looked back and saw that he was still talking to the kids. We gently got out. I threw a couple of hundreds. I didn't really care. Louis pushed me in front of him. He made me step on his feet so it looked like nobody was in front of him. We walked calmly out of the diner. I ran to his bumblebee. He checked his car for any bombs or whatnot. It didn't take long though. He got in the car.

"Nothing" he said

We sped off to the hospital. We went inside and I saw everyone in my room. I ran to my brothers. They all hugged me till I couldn't breathe. They kissed my forehead. I let go of them to hug the other guys. They all hugged me till I couldn't breathe. When I got to Zayn he gave me a look that said "Me. You. Talk. Later"

After all the hugging and explanations they all left. After about 5 minutes to myself. I heard the door knock. I opened it and saw Zayn. I let him in.

"Talk" he commanded.

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