The Bodyguard(Zayn Malik Fan-Fic)

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Hello! It's me! But...... With another story! cX Enjoy.


Elizabeth Rose-

"Mommy whose that car following us?" I asked

My mother's face grew pale as she tried and stop the car.

"STOP! PLEASE!" she yelled at the driver.

He stopped immediately. He looked at my mother as if she was crazy.

My mother was already getting me and my brothers out of the limo. We ran out and my mother told us to stay there. We were behind a bush.

"Stay here. Okay?"

We all nodded.

I hid behind my brothers since I was only 2. They were 4. We watched as the car that was following us also stopped. The man came out of the and went to our mother.

He whispered something in her ear. I saw her face grow paler by the second.

Next thing I knew she was following him to his car. The chauffeur stopped him, but the man showed his something in his pocket and pointed towards me.He gave me a creepy smile. I hid more behind my brothers.

I peeked out and saw my mum get into the car. I ran out after the car, but my brothers grabbed me.

"MOMMY!" I yelled

She turned around and I saw tears in her eyes. She blew us 5 kisses. One for every child. Yes I have 4 brothers.

Then she looked at me and fingered 1 4 3. I love you. We always did that sign to each other everyday. I cried into my brother Aaron's shirt. He patted my back. I heard the others crying too.

We heard sirens coming from all directions. I looked around for my father and saw him trying to get through. He saw me and started to run to me. I went up to him and hugged him.

We answered the best that we could, but since we didn't even know what was going on half the time we didn't really help.

*******Later that day*******

We went home about 5 hours later after the incident. My brothers were all on the couch watching t.v. When they hit a certain news channel we all shot up out of our seats and sat right in font of the telly.

"Breaking news Queen Elizabeth Marie has been kidnapped with the kids seeing the whole thing"

"Now have the little ones have any ideas as to what happened?"

"Not that we know of, they saw the man and they claimed he had a weapon and threaten to use it on Princesses Elizabeth Rose"

The newsreader gasped. "Poor thing!"

"Yeah, they are all pretty traumatized after this incident"

We shut off the television and decided to go to sleep. I followed my brothers Aaron, Ashton, Brad, and Bryson. They were quadruplets. Meaning that there were 4 of them.Then there were only 1 of me.

We all got ready and went to bed. I said goodnight to everyone and went into my room. My head hit the pillow, but nothing happened. I layed there expecting my mom to come and sing to me. I waited for about 15 minutes and nothing. I heard a noise come from outside and jumped. I rememberd when that man looked at me. He smiled when he pointed. I will always remember that smile. Even though I am 2 I have always been smart. I also had good memory.

BAM! Oh no. Thunder. Then lightning. I was terrified of thunderstorms. My mom knew it. She would've came in and rocked me to sleep.

I heard the door creak and saw 4 figures standing there.

"Need some company?" they asked.

I just held out my arms like a baby. Bryson grabbed me and rocked me. He knew how I liked to be rocked. Mother showed him one night when I was a newborn.

We layed there the whole night comforting each other. Then the darkness consumed me.



Hello this is a new book I decided to write. Sorry if she seems too mature for a 2 year old, but I kept thinking she was older. Next chappie will be when they are all older. (:

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