1. The Strongest Heroes

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City A which was followed by shrieks and screams of whoever remained. A lone figure crashed down, creating a large crater around where he stood. Smirking, the lone figure figured he would only further intimidate the vermin he viewed.

In the Hero Association HQ

"It's closing in!" A Human employee shouted.

One turned around and shouted, "Who do we have available!"

"We have confirmation that Lightning Max and Smile Man are on their way!" A female employee said.

"Give me status on the threat level!" Another male employer shouted.

Back in the city, Smile Man and Lightning Max laid unconscious as the monster continued to advance towards the city.

A massive explosion was created as the monster walked casually towards what remained of the intact city.

"As you can see Explosions are being made." A reporter shouted on the camera to the news.

"The hero association is obtaining a threat level in order to AAAGH" The screen went static on the TV where a two people watched the news.

One replied with determination, "Let's go."

"Yup, guess we'll go." The other replied with a bored tone.

"I am Vaccine Man!" The tall, muscular purple monster belted. "I am here on behalf on Mother Nature, here to cleanse her Earth of humans who have ruined her lifeforce!" He scowled, as the sound of a whimpering child interrupted him.

The little girl's eyes widened as she cowered in fear while Vaccine Man approached. Shaking, she reluctantly looked up only to be met with the imposing eyes of Vaccine Man. Whimpering once more, she did the only thing that came to mind.

"M-Mommy! Daddy! Help!" She screamed, begging for someone, anyone to come to her aid. Moments passed by, as Vaccine Man sadistically grinned at the sight of a human feeling the last drop of hope leave them. Silence. Heart-wrenching silence was all the young girl received.

"See, young one? No-one will pay for your sins against Mother Nature. I am her messenger, and I shall carry out her will!" Vaccine Man had become tired of what he viewed as vermin. He couldn't stand the sight of a human much longer. Vaccine Man formed a giant hand in attempt to crush the little girl into his grasp until a blur came in as the girl vanished from sight of the purple monster.

"Don't worry kid; it'll all be okay. Let me handle this." A gentle voice spoke to the young girl.

The little girl opens her eyes to see a young man in a costume completely covering his body that is dark grey and black, red reflected eye lenses and two additional small ones underneath almost resemblance to a spider, a black spider logo on the chest as the back on the costume had a large glowing red spider, short black arm blades giving the appearance to come off as menacing.

Another figure suddenly appeared out of thin air next to the costumed hero, this one wore a yellow jump suit, wearing red gloves and red boots, a white cap with attachable buckles on each side of his shoulders, bald, and had a blank expression.

The purple monster was impressed by the power, "You are fast ones. Who are you two?"

The costumed black and grey hero stood tall to face the creature with his arms crossed, "Just a hero trying to live up to his responsibilities."

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