24. Breaking Point

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"Dinner," Saitama announced dramatically. "Is served!"

He placed three bowls of scrambled eggs on rice, still steaming from the pan. Genos soon followed, bringing out a shredded seaweed shaker and Japanese mayonnaise from the fridge. The baldy spread the bowls around on the apartment's small center table and handed out a pair of chopsticks to each of them, and the cyborg placed the condiments at the center of the table.

Tatsumaki sat herself up, smelling the newly cooked food.

She sprinkled some nori and mayo on the piping-hot bowl and dug in.

It was... quite good. The rice paired perfectly with the nori, and the scrambled eggs practically melted in her mouth - the added flavors of the mayo enhanced the flavor even further. It was a simple meal, but she couldn't stop herself from eating bite after bite.

The esper didn't realize how hungry she was.

It had been almost half a day since her last meal, not to mention she'd just strained herself more in that half a day than she had in most of her life. She half-wanted to just pick the bowl up, raise it over her mouth and let gravity do the work.

Saitama looked at her smugly.

"You like it, huh?" he asked.

"Huh? Of course not!" Tatsumaki was naturally inclined to deny anything anyone assumed of her. "I'm just hungry."

"But you're smiling."

The esper quickly covered her mouth.

"I am not!" the esper huffed. "The food was so hot - my mouth did that by itself."

The bald man wasn't convinced, but didn't bother to push the esper further. She wasn't the only hungry one in that apartment, after all. Carrying an esper for miles was busy work.

The three heroes ate on in silence, speaking only to ask for the condiments to be passed around. Eventually, the sun dipped below the horizon, and Genos promptly stood to turn on the lights. As he sat back down and continued his bowl, Tatsumaki absentmindedly wondered why a cyborg needed to.

"So Miss Tatsumaki, given Fubuki recent track records, her popularity is starting to increase. It would seem that Spider-man is starting to guide her to becoming a better hero. What are your thoughts on it?"

"Yeah, I've been watching the news lately, she's been doing pretty good with hero work."

"Well, for whatever it's worth, I'm actually impressed with how much of her power and skills are increasing. It also looks like she'll probably rise up in ranks in no time."


Rain droplets splashed on the pavement, falling from the dark vapor clouds weighing heavily in the sky, being sprayed up as car wheels drove past, scattering the swirling pools collecting in the gutters in all different directions. The sky was filled with clouds as thunder roared.

Yet Fubuki could only stare in disbelief at the bodies, a family of a wife, husband, and two kids.

It happened so fast, she was only flying amongst the rain when she saw that the group of 6 thugs that were attempting to do a simple mugging, if they didn't comply they were going kill them, Fubuki landed in between the scene that was unfolding, mainly she tried to reason with the thugs that there no reason to do what they were about to do, until they made their decision.

The bullets were sent to her as Fubuki felt an adrenaline rush to her core as she started to use the Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock, blue streaks form around her hands as she began to send the bullets to different directions. The bullets lay on the ground by her feet as some that were deflected by the heroine were scattered by the alleyway.

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