12. Dark Matter Thieves

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Meanwhile directly below him at the building's front, the man clad in armor had just finished dealing a rapid series of blows to the monster's body, leaving him somewhat winded in the process. Unfortunately for him as he stood there staring at the creature, it's wounds began to rapidly heal seeming to not do anything in the way of harm to it.

"This is one militant creature." "Also cautious." Hurry, let us hurry and kill." "That is good." Four of it's heads, speaking after one another said as it looked down towards him.

"Can it even be destroyed?!" The man wondered as he had regained his breath steadying his stance as he did.

However, before he could do anything more or even think of a new plan of attack, the creature's left arm morphed into a massive hammer before striking with such speed and power that despite his own haste in dodging, the man still lost his left arm.

"Each of it's strikes is lethal! I can't beat this thing!" He thought to himself as he took his remaining hand from his blade's hilt and put it to his wound.

"Such a weak and frail species." "So easily killed." "That is good." Three of it's heads said, as all of them began to pull away from one another forming their own bodies as they did.

"It's splitting?! damn it! what is this?!" He wondered as a frustrated glare came to his face.

"I will dispose of this one, you handle the others." "Very well then." "I will go kill those that ran away from us." "That is good." "I-" Four manged to speak, but soon met the same fate as the fifth who had been cut off.

Feeling his eyes widen in shock as a blinding light appeared followed by the creatures collapsing into several pieces, the man knew there could be only one person responsible.

"Master!" He called out as the dust from the attack began to settle revealing Atomic Samurai.

"Iaian, you don't look so good, you okay? your left arm's kinda-" Atomic Samurai began to say only to be cut off by his disciple.

"Master! swords have no effect on this strange creature! forget about me get out of here!" Ianian shouted to his master hoping to save him from taking any injury or even death.

Sadly, before he could get any response to his words the creatures rapidly reformed into a single being, but just as before it was swiftly dealt with by Atomic Samurai.

"Be gone!" He exclaimed as he returned it to pieces before looking back to his student "Iaian, the path of the sword does not end for you yet, stop bleeding!" He commanded.

"Yes master!" Iaian responded without question seeming to somehow despite all logic actually stop his bleeding.

Yet just as the creature had also done before it reformed into a singular entity, this time much bigger than the previous one with more eyes as well as teeth to show for it.

"Hahaha, good, seems a life form on this planet can fight, excellent, I invite you to try withstanding our invasion!" It challenged no longer speaking in multiple voices.

"Planet huh? so you're from outer space then?" Atomic Samurai asked as he glanced up at the ship "And you got friends up there in that floaty toy ship thing right? yeah that's it." He went on before looking back to the creature "I doubt you have the strength or the power to cause this much destruction to the city by yourself." He said as he took a combative stance.

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