13. End of Dark Matter

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Saitama and Spider-man quickly dash in different directions as Boros turns his attention to Saitama.

Lord Boros reached Saitama he sent fourth a punch that would be easily blocked by the other, resulting in a massive dispersal of winds that were comparable to a tornado. This would only be Lord Boro's opener however as he immediately followed up with a rapid series of blows to Saitama's left arm which was all he was using to block the attacks. Seeing that this was getting him nowhere Lord Boro's concluded the combo with one powerful strike which was enough to send Saitama flying a good distance towards the other end of the room, to which Lord Boros would follow to continue his assault.

Spider-man webswings into action landing a kick to Boros's face knocking him back into a pillar. In a purple flash, Boros goes in for a strike but Spider-man simply vibrates his body to faze through Boros to run through his body.

Spider-man and Lord Boros had left the floor and were now fighting in the air, with the means for Spider-man's place in the air being solely the force impacting him from each of the other's attacks.

Both however would soon part ways and land on two pillars that were across from one another, but this would not last long as they leapt off of them and head right back towards each other though this time Spider-man had an attack ready.

Both men then landed back on the floor with their backs to each other. And while of course Spider-man seemed to have no injuries at all Lord Boros on the other hand lost his entire right arm, which to Spider-man had a stinger appeared on his right wrist.

"Even though my true power's been unleashed on you, somehow you're still able to keep up!" Lord Boros exclaimed as he turned to face the other.

"Yes." Spider-man simply replied as he turned to face him as well, his fist now held out in front of him "You're not too bad yourself but I'll have Saitama take his turn." He complimented as he disappeared in a blur as Saitama appeared in Spider-man's place.


Atomic Samurai and the other heroes on the ground were not a part of it as they were still occupied with other matters. Slash for slash Atomic Samurai traded blows with the creature as it continued to heal what was cut off and replace it with more sharpened blade like appendages, yet despite it's numerous attack he dodged them with grace and ease as if they were nothing.

"Bastard, you sure are making things interesting around here." He said as he leapt back to the sides of Metal Bat and Puri Puri Prisoner.

"I'm beginning to taste victory!" It taunted as it brought it's arms across it's chest ready to begin attacking once more.

"Ah that's better, the stiffness in my shoulders is gone, must be a little rusty." Bang noted as he approached, doing a few light stretches as he did.

Upon hearing his voice both the creature and the heroes looked to find a now shirtless Bang coming to rejoin the fight, and while the heroes were of course overjoyed their comrade wasn't dead the creature was utterly baffled.

"No...how can you still be alive?!" It questioned as it now turned to face him.

This would prove to be it's most fatal mistake as with but just a second of lapsed focus Atomic Samurai moved behind it and readied his sword.

"Hey." He spoke as to regain it's attention "Forgetting something?" He asked before unleashing countless slashes to it's body "Atomic Slash!" He shouted once the attack was done.

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