64. Chicken Mayhem

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It was an ordinary day in a small town on a farm of City-S within the outskirts. Well, it was normal, all but for one thing that two upside down, odd looking, arguably strangely dressed figures' were currently watching a scene unfold with a horde of chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

Now, this was definitely an ordinary occurrence for most small towns and farms.

"John! Get those ones over that way before they escape. No that way!" A middle-aged woman yelled, who was wearing slightly run-down clothes with a splotch of mud on them here and there.

"I can't get them honey, they're too fast!" the man wearing a plain blue shirt and trousers who had slightly gray hair yelled back, and Spider-man and Spider-Blizzard were very lucky observers, for it was right at that moment, that the man slipped in a puddle on the ground, that was slightly damp from the rain the night before, and fell flat on his face.

"Oh John! Look at you, useless as always, face first in the mud," the woman said to him with a mixture of disappointment, tiredness, and possible amusement, as she stood with her hands placed firmly on her hips.

"Well it's not my fault you decided to buy a whole flock of chickens in City-S.," he snapped back grumpily, while sitting back on his heels and wiping mud from his face, flicking it away in disgust.

The woman huffed, "I've told you, I hate the eggs here, they're so unfresh and tasteless. I prefer the old ones from back at the farm. Why did we move here John?" She gave an explanation. The entire street could hear their conversation, as their voices were so loud, they were practically sounding off to the heavens. It was hard to miss.

"I told you Cass, it's because all the best jobs are here in City-S, and I got a good offer, so that's why we moved. Seriously, how many times do we have to go over this?" John replied, starting to get frustrated. In the midst of their argument, the chickens were getting further and further up the street, currently having a field day in some poor folk's veggie patch to be accurate.

Spidey thought he'd seen enough who was still hanging from his tree while Spider-Blizzard was perched on the same branch, and decided to move from their position to get a closer look.

John sighed dramatically, looking down the road. "Oh, look, how are we going to get them back now?" he whined, extending his hands up and then flopping them down with more force than necessary in the direction of the escaped chickens.

"Well it's your fault. You're the one who fell with your face in the mud," Cass complained, and John moaned, before walking back towards the chickens.

He called out to them only to get no response though, as one of them just looked at him with oblivious, unimpressed eyes, before carrying on eating with the rest of his pals, who were making small noises of conversation amongst themselves.

"Hiya! Need a hand?" A cheery voice unexpectedly offered from slightly above his head, and without thinking twice, John tilted his head back to come face to face with the red lenses of none other than Spider-Man's mask. He was hanging upside down from a branch while Spider-Blizzard was simply sitting on the same branch with one leg over the other waving.

Spider-man curiously tilted his head to the side, very childlike curiosity at its finest.

John let out a big, deep sigh, as he looked straight ahead again, and said in the most exhausted, dead flat, annoyed tone without shame, "Oh now look what you've done Cass, you've gone and got the attention of local idiots who think they are bugs."

Spider-Blizzard rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

"... I beg your pardon sir, but I think you'll find that I am a spider, and contrary to popular belief, am certainly not an idiot," Spidey came back in chirpy annoyance, while slowly unwinding himself from his upside down position, until his feet finally touched the ground, and he was standing upright in front of John while Spider-Blizzard simply hops down on the ground.

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