101. Drunk Michael

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"Come on Mike, let's go. I think you have enough poison in you for one night, right?"
"Poison? Nuh uh. I gotta. Gotta. Uhhh." Michael fumbled, his head almost banging onto the bar counter since his head felt heavy. "Wanna show these people what I'm made of." He gestured lazily to the random people in the bar.
Tatsumaki raised a curious brow. "Yeah, pretty sure they know you're made out of muscle mass and bones, like all people." She poked Michael's side, causing the drunk young man to giggle. 

Tatsumaki frowned because if she did do that to Michael he would usually retaliate. Michael isn’t a big fan of physical affection most of the time if it only involves Fubuki or Psykos. She concluded Michael was drunk as hell. 
"B- big strong bones though. I drink lots of milk Tatsumaki. You should give it a shot sometime when you get the opportunity." Michael rambled as Tatsumaki had a tick mark on her forehead while she paid the tabs for his drinks and maybe slid a few extra dollars for the cracked counter where Michael was gripping. "My body is strong. Strong. Strong."
"I don't doubt that for one bit man." Tatsumaki started to grab her coat and sling it on herself. She hovers to gently tug on Michael's arm to sling it over her back to help him up. "Come on Mike, let's go back to my place. You're staying a couple days with me, remember?”
"Yeah. Yeah. Because Fubuki hates me." He said in a small voice, tugging her arm back weakly.
"Don't say that. You're literally talking out of your ass after the nightmare sleepwalking incident and it was like months ago." Tatsumaki did not have the patience to have a heartfelt conversation at this really ghetto bar that Michael insisted on going to.

Michael had mentioned a bar that he would visit from time to time back in his universe, Sister Margaret's which was like a job fair for mercenaries even though he wasn't one himself, he would sometimes go for a drink or two to help reduce… all the forms of pain he goes through, she figured maybe that's why he wanted to go to a bar.

Fubuki did say that whenever Michael gets buzzed or really drunk he'll get emotionally unstable to speak from the heart or just be a happy drunk that laughs at the smallest thing.

Michael started drinking like there was no tomorrow. She might have to ask Fubuki over the phone to see if their relationship was doing ok just in case, but she decided that she didn’t want to pry into their relationship because it isn't really her business. It's something they have to solve for themselves like always, despite all they went through they always find a way to heal themselves on their own.
"Come on Mike, let's go." 
As soon as she said that, a nice quick jazz tune started to play over the speakers and instantly Michael perked from his depressed slouch. 

"Noooooo." He drawled out, a cheeky grin playing on his face. "I wanna hear this song! Yeah!" He started snapping his fingers and started to hum loudly, annoying the nearby drinkers. 
Should have known Michael was somewhat of a lightweight even those drinks he took were way heavier than they seemed. Tatsumaki rolled her eyes and sighed. "Michael, no, it's getting late and you have work tomorrow, remember? Ms. Hayami?" She tried tugging Michael back with her but Michael was strong as hell, even when drunk. 

He was glued to the barstool seat, she was tempted to use her psychic powers on this wall-crawler but knowing his freaking willpower to resist psychic abilities it was definitely out of the question.
To Tatsumaki's horror another jazz tune started playing, this time very lively one which prompted Michael to jump off the barstool and started to dance away.
To say Tatsumaki was surprised was a bit of an understatement.

Michael was thrusting his hips and even trying to twirl some girls and guys around. Luckily, the people he twirled weren't bothered and even laughed. Michael continued to draw a crowd in, especially when he- wait, where did he go?
"Where the hell is he? I just looked away for like 2 seconds." Tatsumaki grumbled as she searched now for her drunk brother-in-law.
She eventually found him playing a piano the bar had, but he was playing really really pretty good while in a drunk state. 

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