23. Crossing The Street

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May slowly walked along the crossing, her hip paining with every small step. But she had to get to the other side.

She hated that she had to cross the street in order to get home every time she went to the corner store. It was an annoyance, but an annoyance she must deal with.

She was suddenly startled from her thoughts when the traffic began to move.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, as she saw the light was no longer green. Realizing her vulnerable position right in the middle of the road, she lost her concentration, dropping her walking stick and tripping slightly.

She gasped, moving her hands in front of her in an attempt to break the fall, when a strong, strangely textured hand grabbed her wrist, (and another her waist)..., and pulled her upright.

"Gotcha!" a friendly voice proclaimed. "Are you alright there ma'am?"

May took a few steadying breaths, and looked at the hand supporting her, which happened to be covered in a red glove with a strange black vein-like webbing pattern over it. The hand moved from her wrist to take her hand, and gave it a light squeeze.

"You okay?" was said again, but their time with an edge of concern.

"Oh yes, yes, I'm okay. Nothing can take their old girl down that easy," May replied confidently. She then trailed her eyes up the red and blue covered arm to come face to face with two large, white, bug lenses.

"Oh! You must be that new hero all the young folks keep talking about! Umm, what's your name? Hellish Blizzard! That's it!" she said, taking her hand away from where it had been sitting under her chin in thought, and pointing enthusiastically up in the air in front of Hellish Blizzard. "I'll tell ya, the old noggin is still good for something," she said, tapping the side of her head.

"Ha ha, well, you can call me Hellish Blizzard. Can I help you get across the road ma'am?" Hellish Blizzard responded, offering for her to wrap her arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, why yes, thank you. How very kind of you," May answered, wrapping an arm around the back of her neck, the other pressing against her chest.

Hellish Blizzard wound her own arm around her back and walked gently forward, supporting her weight.

It seemed like an achingly painful trip to the sidewalk. But soon enough, they finally made it.

May let go of her and leaned against a pole for a second, catching her breath as the sound of cheering and whistling sounds around them, along with a few, "Go Hellish Blizzard!"

Hellish Blizzard quickly remembered the lady's walking stick, and turned, levitating it to her before it got run over. Thankfully the cars had paused long enough for them to complete their crossing.

"Here," She said, as she handed the wooden object to her.

"Oh thank you," replied the woman. Taking it from her and setting it against the ground, before standing up.

"Well, will you be alright now?" Hellish Blizzard asked.

"Yes, I should think so," the lady replied, smiling.

"Well, I guess I'd best be going now. It was nice meeting ya," Hellish Blizzard said, before moving to fly away.

"Oh, no you don't!" May protested, picking up her walking stick and using the curved end to latch around Hellish Blizzard's waist, pulling her back towards her.

Hellish Blizzard looked down at the walking stick hooked around her middle in shock. "Hey, no, no, no, I really do have to go," she protested, moving to pull away.

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