The Altruist

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*Present Day*

Slamming the door to the mansion, Jack stomped to the stairs and began his short journey to his room. Disbelief struck him on a daily basis that he was still so interested in this (Y/n) girl. Worse yet, he had absolutely no game plan as to what he was to do now. His plan all along has been to catch her being just like every other human being he has ever seen or met, but alas, nothing has been successful. He has watched her like a hawk for the entirety of these 2 weeks and has seen nothing short of altruism. Much more, it was difficult currently to hide what he was doing from the rest of his... nosey roommates. Particularly, Jack found it difficult to explain to Ben why he needed his help blurring himself on the hospital cameras. After all, Ben had known that Jack was never the type to stray from his typical M.O., which consisted of him killing people within their homes. So Ben found it rather curious, but decided not to pry. After all, the truth would eventually reveal itself in some way or another. He knew, however, that others in the home had also become rather inquisitive as to Jack's whereabouts, and that they were much less patient than Ben by miles.

Particularly, Jeff had become rather nosey and irritating. Constantly asking Jack questions as soon as he came home after hours of being gone. Additionally, Jack has been refusing to do any long-term missions, choosing to give them away to Clockwork and Jane, much to their dismay. They never really grumbled about it, though. It had only been a few missions so far, and they both owed Jack favors. Sucking it up would just have to do for now. Jack knew that Jeff would eventually become a problem and was rather vigilant when leaving the mansion to ensure nobody was trailing him, much to Jeff's aggravation. And so here Jeff was once again, observing Jack tiredly trudging to his room as if he had just ran another marathon. With a low mumble, Jeff decided to confront him directly once again about his current whereabouts. Knocking on Jack's door, Jeff got no response, likely because Jack knew it was Jeff since he did this on a daily basis lately. Jeff scoffed before pounding on the door much heavier than before. You've gotta be fucking stupid if you think you can just ignore me like this. At last, Jack swung the door open aggressively.

"What the fuck do you want, Jeff? I'm trying to sleep so make it quick." Amusement encompassed Jeff, and he couldn't help but cackle out loud, making Jack begin to close the door once again. Jeff immediately stopped laughing and stuck his foot in the door. A blinding rage filled Jeff. After all, who did this scrawny kid think he was, treating Jeff as if he is not some sort of threat. With a carnivorous smile and glowing evil eyes, Jeff finally responded.

"Listen. I don't know what you've been doing or why you've been so secretive, but I want you to know something. I will figure it out eventually one way or another." Jack paused, making Jeff unable to sense the emotions unfolding before him. Finally, Jack tilted his head in a taunting way.

"I would love to see you try. Now get the fuck out of my doorway before I make you." The men participated in an intense stand-off, with Jeff's foot still being in the doorway. Another door opened a few doors down, but neither went to look or move. For they both knew who it was and what he was going to say already.

"T-that's e-enough, you t-t-two. I'm sick and t-tired of the exa-ct same argument every da-mn day."

Jeff was the first to move, slowly rotating his head towards Toby's direction with the exact same murderous smile before turning back to Jack. Jack anticipated Jeff's response to be even more aggressive, but was shocked when Jeff responded with a simple, "understood," before creepily walking back to his room and shutting the door. Jack furrowed his brows, stunned at Jeff's indifference. Normally, Toby's presence itself would make Jeff go into a frenzy, much more frequently when Toby would give him an order. This time was much different, and it didn't take a genius to understand that this could and would become dangerous quickly. Everyone knew that Jeff never let things go; he would hold grudges for years, he would have competitions and show off to make sure everyone knew what he was capable of, and he would always get his way or die trying. Jack's thoughts were interrupted by Toby standing in front of his still opened doorway. This reaction was... concerning, to say the least. It left Jack wondering what Jeff's next move would be.

"I r-really d-don't understand wh-wh-what's gotten into you lately, but Jeff i-isn't wrong. I-f I hear any-anymore about your w-work being interrupted I'll have n-no choice but to t-tell him." Before Jack could even think of a response, Toby walked calmly away to his room and once again shut the door, not even sparing Jack a glance. Jack finally shut the door and slid down to the floor. The're right. I'm going to have to figure something out, it's getting dangerously obvious that I'm hiding something. Jack sat for a long while before an idea came into his head. It was reckless, it was impulsive, it was a want rather than a need. Jack was changing fleetingly and immensely. It was unlike him to not be a planner, to not think of every possibility before acting on his wants. He smiled for the first time in years right then, but it was a rather painful and baffled smile. (Y/n)... why did you have to be different? Why are you doing this to me? And with that, he finally went to sleep.

Author's Note: This is a really short chapter, but I promise that the next chapter will be the longest so far. I honestly didn't love this chapter, but I felt it necessary to provide a filler almost as to what the rest of the pastas are thinking about everything at the mansion, as this will matter later in the story. Hint: Next chapter, we finally see the two of them officially meet. :) Normal upload days for this story can be found on my profile. If you'd like to follow me to be updated on when changes might occur, make sure you do that! Please don't forget to comment, vote and add to your library. I'll see you in a couple days!

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