The Fighters

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As Jack opened the door up and walked outside, he immediately whistled to grasp Smile Dog's attention. Smile Dog immediately perked up, both due to recognizing Jack and recognizing his target all in one. Smile Dog couldn't stand Jack, mainly because Jeff couldn't either. As Jack circled around the dog in a threatening manner, Smile Dog growled as saliva dripped murderously from his mouth down to the dirt. Before they both knew it, they simultaneously lunged, Smile Dog on top of Jack with the upper hand. As he began chewing on Jack's arms, Jack pried his jaws off of him before punching the creature repeatedly. Swiftly, Jack was able to reverse their positions so that he was on top of the animal. "(Y/n)! Go!"

The woman immediately ran out of the room, wearing the backpack with all of their supplies. Stopping momentarily to observe Jack in his struggles, she could see that it was no simple scuffle. The dog below him was putting up a fight, and even from afar she could see that he had chewed up a lot of Jack's skin, resulting in mutilated flesh hanging from his arms. "Don't worry about me, just go! Don't look back!" The woman gasped in shock at his pure will to protect her at any cost. Her sobs echoed the night sky as she turned away painfully and began to jog through the trees.

Everything was blurry as she swatted away branches and twigs from her face. Was this what love really was? After all, based on Jack's mother's definition, he had truly proven that he had loved her by sacrificing himself for her own safety and happiness. That thought alone terrified (Y/n), but also made her realize that she probably did feel the same. Jack had proven himself to be a changed man; now selfless and decent, he truly was an amazing person inside and out. But what if he wasn't okay? What would she do then? (Y/n)'s thoughts ran a million miles per minute as she continued to leap through the forest, brimming with emotional pain. She was pacing herself in case she found herself needing to sprint, or even if she found herself running for longer than originally thought. She had ran track in high school and college, leading to successfully being able to pace herself.

As she continued to run through the forest, she noticed an opening just up ahead that seemed to be the end of the forest. Pushing herself to the opening, the girl stopped for a moment to observe her surroundings more carefully. She could either go left, straight, or right. With the straight path leading to more woods, (Y/n) made the decision to go left, leading to an uphill area. As she reached the top, she was suddenly hit in the face, resulting in her falling down the hill in shock. As blood began gushing from her nose, she looked up to find the perpetrator looking down at her. With widened eyes, the girl began to shake before screaming at the top of her lungs.

Jack froze and looked around as he heard (Y/n)'s scream, panting heavily as he stood over Smile Dog's stiff body. Looking back down at his body to ensure he wouldn't be getting up, Jack began to sprint towards the forest, before being stopped by the voice he least wanted to hear in the world. "In a hurry, Jacky? Why is that?" Halting, Jack looked behind him slowly, not wanting to face the person he so badly wanted to avoid.

"Jeff." Jeff stepped into the moonlight from the shadows, looking over and seeing Smile Dog mutilated.

With an evil grin, Jeff's piercing eyes met Jack's exhausted ones. "What'd you do to my fucking dog, Jacky?" Jack chose to remain silent, continuing to breathe heavily. Fuck, there's no way I can fight him in this state. Looking down at his chewed up arms, he flinched as the cool air hit them. I need to heal first but I don't have time. Looking up to see Jeff stepping forward, twirling a knife between his fingers, Jeff finally spoke again. "If you're wondering how you can fight me, the answer is you can't. Oh, and that beautiful scream you heard from the woods? It was, indeed, your... human." Jeff's eyes glinted with violence as he licked his lips. "I know you don't want us to hurt her anymore than we already have. So, why don't you surrender? Or don't, I could care less. That way I could sink my knife into her beautiful, sweat-filled flesh as she screams my name."

Jack growled before lunging forward, wrapping his hands around Jeff's neck while on top of him on the ground. "Don't fucking talk about her like that!" Jeff simply cackled loudly into the night, causing birds to fly away from the echoing sound.

"Like I said... either surrender willingly, or the next words out of your mouth will be the ones I carve into her." Seeing Jack's hesitation, Jeff continued on. "You know you don't have the energy to fight me right now. What's it going to be, Jacky?" Jack stood up after pounding Jeff's head into the dirt one time, allowing Jeff to put his arm over his shoulder. "That's my boy!" As they walked into the forest together, Jack's thoughts were filled with what if's. There's nothing I can do as long as they have her. She's safer if I do as they say... fuck! Jack gritted his teeth as Jeff continued to ramble and cackle about things that Jack couldn't care less about.

Finally reaching the opening out of the forest, Jack's eyes widened as he looked at (Y/n), who had been blindfolded, gagged and tied up. She was still crying, and he could see her blindfold soaked with tears as she sobbed. He immediately ran out of Jeff's arm and slid on his knees, holding (Y/n) tightly. "(Y/N)! I'm here. I'm here now, I've got you." A swift kick collided with Jack's head, resulting in Jack's head bleeding. Groaning as he sat up while rubbing his head, Jack made eye contact with Masky standing above him. "They called in the help, did they?" Jack smirked at his own insult before Masky kicked him in the head again, resulting in Jack bleeding profusely from the gash on his forehead.

"He ordered a proxy to accompany Jeff on this mission. Let's not make this harder than it needs to be, Jack. You know we have to take you both back." Jack glared at Masky while continuing to hold his head. Jack never really had a problem with Masky; in fact, Jack believed that he was one of the only mature ones within the mansion. He didn't let much cloud his judgement, was always professional, and also cool-headed. Due to the amount of respect he felt towards him, Jack decided to follow his orders, standing up and nodding to solidify his decision.

"Fine, we'll head back willingly. Under no circumstances can Jeff lay a finger on her, though." Masky stared at Jack for a moment, considering his condition, before nodding.

"Jeff, keep an eye on Jack. I have the human." Masky grabbed (Y/n) by her arm, resulting in her beginning to try to scramble away. Masky gave Jack a knowing look, as if to say keep her in check.

Jack nodded before talking to (Y/n), "I know this sucks, but I need you to do as he says. Everything will be okay." The girl whimpered, but stopped struggling, continuing to sob through her gag. Masky dragged her by her arm to the front of the group, ensuring she was in line of sight the entire time. The journey to the mansion begins.

Author's Note: WOW, so much has happened! The real question is, what will happen once they reach the mansion? The real fight has only just begun, it seems. 😏

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