The Astronomer

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She knew she wasn't crazy. She was definitely being followed. Although (Y/n) couldn't see who it was or where they hid, she could sense it. This occurrence had been present for nearly 3 weeks at this point. When would they finally realize that she had nothing to give? She wasn't filthy rich, didn't have a nice car and didn't have any valuables. Maybe those true crime shows and being super interested in how murderers get away with it were paying off, after all. At this point she hated the fact that she got out of work in the early hours of the morning. For all of her grocery shopping either had to wait for her day off, or she had to simply get it over with. (Y/n) decided to do the latter so she wouldn't run out of toilet paper. So here she was, at 2 in the morning fast walking to her car in the dead of night. It was relatively windy outside, but the breeze felt nice against the warm summer night. The only noise that could be heard was her cart against the pavement; the rest was still within the silence of the night. As (Y/n) looked up at the marvelous sky, she witnessed a full moon surrounded by beautiful stars and constellations. A deep breath was taken as (Y/n) marveled at how lucky she truly was to live the life she had.

She looked back down and hummed in satisfaction at how calm she was. Flashbacks flooded (Y/n)'s mind of when she was still a teenager, with her and her parents on the rooftop of their old apartment gazing at the sunset's beauty. The very last memory she had with them. (Y/n) had always wondered what was above and beyond their little universe; after all, how likely was it that humans on earth were the only forms of life? Not very. (Y/n) and her parents had bonded over various theories of the universe, religion, other forms of life, and the purpose of life all the time. They were three pees in a pod, inseparable. All three loved to think deeply about life and to make the most out of every situation. In fact, this is where (Y/n) got her charitable and caring side of human nature. She loved her parents more than anything and anyone. So, how could they leave her when they did? (Y/n) found herself back in the present, eyes welling with tears. She simply shook it off and continued on her way to her vehicle. I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. It was a long time ago and I need to move on.

Caught and caged inside her own head, the girl forgot to observe her surroundings more in-depth. As she reached her vehicle and unlocked the doors in order to put the groceries inside, she had almost completely forgotten about her alleged stalker. Reaching up to unlock the car door, (Y/n) looked up at the reflection in her window, only to find a hooded figure with a mask standing very closely behind her. Quivering with absolute terror, (Y/n) shut her eyes and slowly turned around, hoping it to be a figment of her imagination. With a shaky breath, (Y/n) finally built up the courage to open her eyes. Upon seeing nothing there, (Y/n)'s racing heart slowed down a bit to a more reasonable pace. (Y/n) rubbed her head in confusion. She was certain that there had been a person there. Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she shook her head and laughed out loud at her own foolishness. How could I have imagined such a thing? Nobody actually looks like that. This is what thinking about the past does to me, I suppose. As (Y/n) went to turn around and open the car door, the same figure was in the reflection once again, right over her shoulder just as last time. (Y/n) laughed prematurely and began to turn around.

"I have to lay off the caffeine, I think I may be experiencing adverse side effects..." Before she could finish talking to herself, she gazed at the very real hooded figure standing before her. Hyperventilating took over (Y/n)'s system as she respired heavily, blurry vision taking over. The last thing she saw before everything went black, were the black tear-filled eyes peeping through the mask of her intruder.

Grogginess filled (Y/n)'s body as she stretched her limbs with her eyes closed. What happened? The last thing I remember was... Before she could even finish her thought process, she felt a tug on her right leg as she extended her sore limbs. Opening her eyes in a rushed manor, she touched the chain wrapping around her bruised ankle in a panic. Once again, (Y/n) felt herself hyperventilating at the situation she found herself in. All she could observe around her was black. She was tied to a pole nonetheless, in what looked like a basement. Scratching and clawing at the cuff wrapped around her ankle, she began crying and screaming for help. She felt blurriness begin to overcome her once again, and quickly found herself gagging because of how hard she was crying.

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