The Despondent

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Silence continued despite both individuals hearing each other’s heart nearly exploding. The two made eye contact before (Y/n) decided to daringly speak. “H-hello? Is this the Reapers of Justice?” More silence continued before a small chuckle was heard. Scrunching her eyebrows in confusion, the woman got the sense that they made the assumption that she was a prankster, as they hung up immediately afterwards. Looking at Jack with determination, the woman pressed the redial button before someone answered and then hung up immediately once again. With a huff of frustration, (Y/n) gritted her teeth before redialing once more. Upon the mysterious person picking up the phone again, (Y/n) blurted out, “Wait! I have information regarding the attempted murder of the young girl of this town.”

Finally, a disguised voice responded. “Do you? And why should I trust you?”

Neither (Y/n) nor Jack knew how widespread the news of (Y/n)’s disappearance had been since Jack had kidnapped her. It was possible the entire country knew, but it was also possible that no one knew other than those in her town. Taking a leap of faith, the woman decided to assume the former and use that to her advantage. “My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and those monsters kidnapped me. You may have heard my disappearance being aired. You can think what you want, but I assure you I’m not lying. In fact, I’ll take it a step further and recommend that we meet.”

Jack’s gloved hands clenched the sides of the seat he was in as he anxiously bit his lip from underneath his mask. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. “Come to the coordinates I have sent. Come tonight and come alone.” With that, the mysterious subject hung up the phone, leaving (Y/n) and Jack to process what had just happened. Looking over at Jack, (Y/n) could read his nervous expression from a mile away. The woman slid off Jack’s mask before putting her cool hand on his cheek and giving him a tender smile.

“I’ll be okay. You’ll just have to trust me.” Jack closed his eyes and rested his forehead against his lover’s, allowing himself to relax within the comfort of her presence. She kissed him tenderly before pulling away and putting her seatbelt back on. “We should get going. You need to find a place to stay tonight while I drive there alone.”

Jack shook his head incredulously as he put his mask back on. “Are you nuts? I know he told you to come alone but I didn’t think we were actually going through with that part. I plan on staying as close as possible without raising red flags. I’ll stay outside the building, and then we can come up with a signal-“

“Jack, the stakes are just way too high for that. I can’t fuck this up, do you understand that? This is literally it, this is everything on the line that we worked so hard towards. I understand that you’re nervous but you need to remember why I’m willing to take that risk in the first place. I want to spend my life with you!”

In realization at what she had just said, the woman and the man beside her began turning bright red at the unexpected honesty and romanticism. Feeling sheepish and shy, Jack giggled cutely at the thought of spending the rest of his life with the girl beside him. Soon, both him and (Y/n) began laughing as they both imagined their potential future together. It’s just right around the corner… if we can pull this off, we can have that. It’s almost like… I can touch it.

*10:08 PM*

Shutting the motel room door behind her, (Y/n) faced Jack, who was sitting on the bed staring up at her nervously. With a sweet smile, (Y/n) placed her hands on Jack’s broad and muscular shoulders before sitting in his lap. “I mean it, Jack. You will stay here and wait for me to return. Don’t worry, I’m a big girl.” With a pout, Jack turned his head to the side and refused to look at her, causing her to laugh lightly. “I know this isn’t ideal for either of us, but this everything is so close to ending. Don’t you want that? For us to escape forever without a worry of ever being caught?”

Jack dropped the pouting act and sighed, before softly rubbing his hands up and down (Y/n)’s hips. “I know you’re right, it’s just scary. If anything happens, please call me immediately.” With a firm nod, (Y/n) silently agreed before giving Jack a long kiss, leaving the motel room with the car keys and driving away to the coordinates that were sent to her earlier in the day. Gripping the steering wheel tight, (Y/n) realized that she must have been so busy comforting Jack’s worries, that she hadn’t even acknowledged her own. What if things don’t go right? No… they have to. I’ll make it work for us. Glancing down at her phone to look at the map, she realized the group must have taken her seriously, as the coordinates were a good hour away from the motel she had left Jack at. Curiously enough, it didn’t seem to be in a populated area; rather, it was on the outskirts of Belden.

Pulling up to the building in front of her, the woman’s eyes widened in awe as she slowly continued to drive down the pavement. Rather than an abandoned building like she had been expecting, her destination turned out to be a humongous, isolated mansion. The blinds were all closed, leaving her with a dangerous feeling boiling up in the pits of her stomach. As she turned the car off and locked it, the woman slowly walked up to the large red doors before softly knocking, as if the doors would fall if she dared knock too hard. A booming voice yelled at the doors from afar, “come in,” prompting the woman to slowly open the eerie doors, causing a light screech to emit from them. Candlelight illuminated the mansion before her as (Y/n) softly closed the door behind her, following the light to where it seemed to be brightest down the hall. As she entered a room that was seemingly a small study, she gulped as she stared at the owner of the prominent, deep voice that had permitted her to enter.

An older man with white long hair, along with white facial hair and small spectacles, sat within a royal red chair, not even glancing up to greet his guest. As he read from the text sitting on his lap, he finally acknowledged (Y/n)’s presence. “So, you’re the woman with information for us, yeah?” The woman blinked with surprise, not expecting a British accent to come out of his mouth. As he reached for the table in front of him to grasp a tiny teacup, the man took one small sip before putting the cup back gently. As he finally closed the book in front of him, (Y/n) noticed the cover being ‘The Little Prince,’ a surprising book for the man of seemingly sophisticated taste. “Why?”

As his cold gaze pierced through (Y/n)’s soul, she began to feel a cold sweat throughout her body, goosebumps giving away her fear blatantly. “Why?”

The man rested his head on his own hand as he continued to stare, sighing impatiently. “Why? Your answer to this question will tell me everything I need to know.”

The woman weighed her options mentally. This man seemed anything but unintelligent. He seemed cunning, picky, motivated, intentional, calculated. If she lied, she had no doubt he could probably tell within the instant. But if she told the entire truth, she’d have another issue at hand, as she was more than certain they would never allow a pasta to escape. She needed to word her answer very cautiously in the form of a white lie; not quite an entire lie, but also omitting certain parts of the truth for the interests of herself and the Reapers. Formulating her answer within her head, the woman confidence was dwindling by the second, and blurting out her answer as fast as possible seemed to be the only way to halt it from slipping away entirely. “I want to go home. Not my old house or even my own town, per se. I want to live my life… the way I want it.” Her voice wavered at the end of her sentence as tears pricked her eyes.

For, it was the absolute truth, just in a different form that didn’t expose any of her other ulterior motives. (Y/n) wanted to truly live her life the way she wanted it, being with Jack. I wonder where he wants to go after all of this is over. We could live in the mountains, or we could live near the ocean. We could find a way to move to a different country. As long as we’re together… Jack is, after all, my home. I want to go home and that is all I know. As the old man continued analyzing the hopeless woman in front of him, he finally stood, revealing his true tall stature. As he made his way around his table and chair, he stood directly in front of the girl, causing her to have to look up at him. Leaning down slightly to close the height difference, the old man’s cold voice reached her ears. “I can tell you’re hiding something.” The woman’s wide eyes met with the man’s blue, narrowed ones. “Regardless of that, I can also tell you have genuine information to give. So, out with it.” The old man gestured towards the chair across from his own, before beginning to go sit down. As (Y/n) followed suit and sat across from him, she noticed a cup had been set out for her, before the man began to pour her a cup of tea and then filling up his own. This hospitable move communicated to her two things; one, that he was on her side only as it suited him, and two, it was going to be a long night.

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