The Mastermind

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*Play song above throughout chapter*

Roughly shoving Jack forward up the stairs, Jeff giggled as the two continued on to his headquarters. "Can't wait to see what he does to you, Jacky. This is luxury," the evil man sighed out before cackling. Jack rolled his eyes and kept a straight face. In all truthfulness, he was nervous as hell at what the outcome would be; not for himself, but rather for (Y/n). One thing Jack was certain of was that he would be willing to take a harsher punishment in exchange for (Y/n) getting a lesser one; even better, Jack was hoping he would let her go and erase her memories of this entire experience. Of course, it would hurt like hell to know that the one he loved would never remember him, but it definitely beat the alternative of her being dead. The only issue with that proposal was the question of where she would go. After all, her missing person story was being projected for the entire town to hear, and perhaps even the entire country at this point.

Climbing up the second set of stairs leading to an entirely empty hallway, Jack gulped and began to fidget with his gloves as he continued onwards to the red door at the very end. Jeff's giggles had entirely ceased since climbing them, which was a sign that things were getting more serious. After all, no one came up to the third floor unless they were summoned to speak with him, which usually only consisted of the proxies. Whispers entered the heads of both Jack and Jeff, slowly getting louder and louder as they got closer to the door. By the time they had reached it, they both grimaced slightly before Jack knocked on the door. Hearing a whisper permitting him to enter the room, Jack opened the door with a lowered head before shutting it behind him. Jeff had no doubt gone back downstairs, awaiting to be summoned by him again for when it was time for Jack to leave. Jack waited for further instructions from him as he stared at the floor beneath him.

The pastas were not permitted to look at him unless he gave them explicit permission to do so. So, as Jack stood there with his head hung in shame, his heart raced with anxiety like no other. "Jack." The whispers inside his head would not stop, resulting in Jack being unable to anticipate his next move. Sweat dripped from his face down to his chin, consequently dripping down to the floor. Before Jack could even fathom another thought, he was swiftly hit in his stomach with a tentacle, causing him to fly across the room and into the wall. As he stayed down and coughed up blood, he braced himself for further hits, which did not come. Staring at the crumbled drywall around him on the ground, Jack continued to look anywhere but up. "What is the human to you?" Jack stayed silent for a moment, prompting yet another hit to his body with his tentacle, this time being at his face. Blood dripping from his nose, Jack stayed face down on the ground, refusing to move an inch without permission. "Do not hesitate when I speak to you. What is the human to you?"

"She is the one I love." Though telling the truth wasn't very appealing to Jack, Slenderman had the tremendous power of reading heart rates, subsequently allowing him to tell whether someone tells the truth or not. Silence filled the room as Slenderman assumedly gathered his thoughts.

"I see... what punishment do you feel you and the girl deserve?"

Jack grimaced as the pain continued from his new injuries. "Please, I will take the very worst punishment you have to give me. Please let the human go, I beg of you." Whispers continued on as Slenderman stayed silent.

"Your loyalty lies in the wrong places. I cannot allow this to continue." Jack's eyes watered as he thought of the state (Y/n) was in currently. What will happen to her... Finally, the entity sitting across from him continued. "I have a better idea." Whispers surrounded the atmosphere around Jack as he awaited his response. Suddenly, a knock on the door sounded, prompting Masky to emerge from the now opened door. Jack and Masky made eye contact before both looking at the ground. "Bring the girl." Masky nodded once before leaving the room. Jack's eyes widened as his heart continued to beat faster. No, no, no... this is worst case scenario. Clenching his fists tightly, sweat continued to drip from Jack's face as he gritted his teeth. Responding without permission would only lead to certain death for (Y/n), and he could not allow that to happen. A knock on the door resounded once again, before Masky emerged with a blindfolded and gagged (Y/n). Jack looked at her momentarily before looking at the ground.

"It is settled. Jack's priorities with us lie elsewhere and the human is not trustworthy. Jack will be sentenced to one year of being buried alive, while the human will be executed immediately." Slenderman's whispers allowed all three of them to hear the outcome of his verdict, and against his very own will, Jack stood up immediately and yelled.

"No! Please don't do this, I'll do anything." Slenderman simply hit Jack with another tentacle, causing Jack to become immobile as he attempted to recover. (Y/n), although unable to see what had occurred, heard Jack's scream and began to panic. Masky held her tightly, enough to mold a bruise onto her skin. As Masky opened the door and began to walk out, Jack risked his life and shouted, "Wait! I have a proposition!" Masky paused, continuing to look at the ground, awaiting Slenderman's response. When one did not come, Jack continued. "Erase both her memory and mine. Erase our memories of each other. She can become an asset to you."

The whispers subsided temporarily, symbolizing Slenderman thinking deeply. "This could work... very well, take the human's blindfold and gag out." Masky nodded and swiftly did so, prompting (Y/n)'s teary eyes to make eye contact with a bloody and bruised Jack.

"Jack! Jack, please don't do this."

Jack began to cry as he remained within the rubble of the torn down wall. "It's the only way... I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm sorry for being selfish."

As (Y/n) pointlessly struggled against Masky's hold, (Y/n) screamed and cried as Jack's consciousness began to fade. "No! Jack, please! Jack... I love you!" Despite the known outcome of everything that had transpired between them, Jack found the energy in him to smile one last time as tar fell down his cheeks. She finally said it... to me.

"(Y/n)... I promise... I promise I'll never stop loving you." As black consumed Jack finally all at once, he knew that even though he would not remember their journey together, he could finally comprehend the saying "it's better to have lost than to have never loved at all." The Jack that had recovered some humanity was gone, as was the (Y/n) who had conquered her fears and fell in love with the creature before her.

"Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness. Everything passes. That is the one and only thing I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell. Everything passes."

Author's Note: This is, by far, my favorite chapter I've ever written. It is emotional and raw, and my goal with this heartbreaking chapter was to make the reader feel as helpless as Jack and (Y/n)'s situation truly was; I also incorporated that quote from No Longer Human as being Jack's very last thought. I hope I succeeded. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your love by voting and commenting. I appreciate you all.

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