The Newbie

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“So, there you h-have it. I know it’s a b-b-big place, but if y-you ever get lost or have q-questions, just ask anyone.” Toby and (Y/n) stood in the kitchen after the tour of the mansion given to (Y/n). (Y/n) nodded while smiling, feeling appreciative of Toby’s kindness and the hospitality she had been shown. 

One thing still loomed over her and filled her mind. “I have to ask again, even if you can’t exactly tell me everything. I guess, why am I here? And why can’t I remember anything about my past life?” Toby began fidgeting in front of her, breaking eye contact and looking everywhere but her. So, he’s nervous. But why? 

 Gulping while looking at the ground, Toby decided to answer somewhat ambiguously, as to not draw suspicion, yet to also satisfy her curiosity somewhat. “You’re here b-because h-h-he feels you could be an asset to our t-team. We d-do things like go out on s-s-supply missions and g-gather intel. S-s-specifically, there have been reports that a g-group of a-a-assassins have been attempting to hunt us down as of late. T-this is new intel t-t-that Jeff has given us. We are likely to use you, since you are a h-human, to gain the trust of those assassins so we can eliminate them.” Seeing the obvious discomfort on the face of (Y/n), Toby decided to continue. “As for your m-m-memory, he takes all of ours away, so we don’t have old biases affect our work, among other t-things.” (Y/n) chewed the inside of her cheeks while thinking about the information she was just given. “Come on, l-l-let me introduce you to the others, since we didn’t really have a chance earlier.” 

 (Y/n) nodded hesitantly before following closely behind. I don’t like the idea of helping them kill anyone, even if I’m not the one doing it. It doesn’t sound like I have a choice though… what should I do? As the two continued through the mansion, they both passed by the infirmary, which (Y/n) remembered was Jack’s territory, the only pasta she had met thus far. “So, Jack is sort of like the medic of the mansion?” Toby nodded in confirmation. “What’s he like? I don’t know why, but,” the woman shook her head while chuckling, “I get the feeling that we’ve met before.” Toby stayed silent, much to (Y/n)’s surprise. He had been relatively talkative and friendly, but it seemed that when it came to specific topics, he shut down entirely. Was there something about Jack that no one wanted her to know? Did Toby not like Jack? 

 As they continued towards the library/study area of the home, Toby finally responded. “That’s impossible, you’re p-p-probably thinking of someone else that’s s-similar from your past.” (Y/n) decided to accept this answer for now, despite feeling like there was something more he wasn’t saying. As the two walked into the library, they came across two women and a little girl that were talking while reading a book together. “Clockwork, Jane, Sally, t-t-this is (Y/n).”

(Y/n) smiled and waved, feeling at ease now meeting more women, as it seemed that most of the team consisted of men. “Wow, it’s great to finally meet women. I’m (Y/n), it’s so nice to meet you all.” Although Jane, Clockwork and Sally smiled back, (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel that there was something underlying that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. This experience is so… weird. Maybe it’s because my memory was taken and this is a new environment, but why does it feel like everyone is hiding something? 

 Jane stepped forward and decided to speak on behalf of the other two. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/n). We have sleepovers often where we like to do makeup and watch movies. I heard from Toby that myself and Clockwork will be your trainers on certain days, so I’m very excited to work with you and see what you’ve got!” (Y/n) grinned as a blush fell on her face. It feels nice to potentially have friends. Toby nodded before they all said their goodbyes, continuing towards the ginormous laboratory. 

 “T-this is C-Cody’s lab where he c-c-conducts his experiments,” Toby stated before opening the door. They both entered what looked like a unique biohazard area, in which several hazmat suits were hanging, along with gloves and various tools displayed on tables and on the walls. Handwashing stations were also present, before what looked to be a giant spraying area for when one leaves and enters the main laboratory part. Toby knocked on the glass that showed Cody inside the lab, seemingly performing some sort of autopsy on what looked like a burnt body. Even through his hazmat suit, (Y/n) could see Cody grinning and waving, before fast walking towards the entrance/exit, taking off his gloves carefully, before getting sprayed inside for several minutes. Upon coming out of the lab, Cody took off his hazmat suit and placed it inside a bag. Clearing his throat, Toby finally began introductions. “(Y-Y/n), this is Cody. C-cody, this is (Y/n).”

Full of energy, Cody giggled and introduced himself to (Y/n) excitedly. Laughing softly, (Y/n) acknowledged Cody’s childish nature. “I love your energy, Cody. I hope I get to work with you soon. It looks like you’ve got a really interesting setup here.” Cody’s smile only got wider as his face erupted in a blush. 

The tour continued with (Y/n) meeting several creepypastas, before finally getting to meet the proxies. “N-now, I know I already t-t-told you that I am a p-proxy. It c-consists of me, H-hoodie, Masky, and Clockwork. You’ve a-already met m-myself and Clockwork, so a-all that’s left is t-t-to meet Hoodie and M-masky.” (Y/n) nodded before they both headed upstairs towards the bedrooms. Knocking on Hoodie’s room, Toby locked eyes with Masky as he opened the door. “Oh, g-good. You’re b-b-both in here. I wanted to introduce you both to (Y-Y/n).” As Masky opened the door wider to allow Toby and (Y/n) to enter, (Y/n)’s eyes met with a pristine room. 

 After meeting with the rest of the proxies and most of the other creepypastas, (Y/n) definitely had her favorites above the others. Ben, Cody, and Toby were in this list, with none of the pastas having the spot of ‘least favorite,’ as they were all so kind. There was only one left to meet, and that was a pasta named Jeff. As Toby knocked on the very last bedroom door that there was, Jeff slowly opened the door with an evil grin plastered upon his face, his door slowly creaking. (Y/n) was able to discern from Toby’s face that he didn’t particularly care for Jeff. Regardless, he introduced her as though those feelings didn’t exist. “J-Jeff, meet (Y/n).”

Jeff grinned widely as he made eye contact with the nervous girl before him, whose heart had started pounding for reasons unbeknownst to her. As she stared at the creature before her, (Y/n) recognized the feelings inside of her being that of hatred. But why? This is the first time we’re meeting, and I have no reason to think negatively of him. Get it together, (Y/n). With a nervous smile on her face, (Y/n) held her hand out to shake. “Nice to meet you, Jeff. I’m (Y/n). I look forward to working with you soon.” 

Jeff’s eyes glanced at her extended hand, before looking back at her anxious face. With a forced laugh, Jeff responded, “Are you? That’s sickly sweet of you, doll.” As Jeff’s hand met with her own, (Y/n) gasped as her mind echoed Jeff’s voice calling her ‘doll.’ Doll… doll… doll… why does that sound so familiar? A flashback presented within her mind, one that consisted of Jeff sitting on top of her with a knife to her face. In it, (Y/n) heard Jeff’s voice. “Don’t worry, doll. I’m not going to kill you.” 

In a panic, (Y/n) unintentionally snatched her hand away from Jeff’s, wiping it on her sweatshirt in a haste. With a false smile, (Y/n) excused herself to her own bedroom, shutting the door and locking it behind her before sliding down to the floor. Why is everything blurry? Touching her cheeks with both hands, (Y/n) felt tears sliding down her face. Why am I… crying? Do I know him? No… it’s impossible, Toby said so himself. I haven’t met anyone here. The woman laid in her bed and began breathing techniques to calm down. I must just be emotional from a new environment with no memory, that’s all it is… right? 

Back in the hallway just a few doors down, Toby looked where (Y/n) had just been standing, before glaring at Jeff. Jeff cackled loudly as he wiped tears from his eyes. “Looks like she must’ve remembered something, right Toby?”

Toby continued to glare at Jeff. “D-don’t be ridiculous, Jeff. Keep your distance for now until further notice. I-it’s probably nothing, but j-just to be s-s-safe.” Jeff rolled his eyes and frowned before grunting in agreeance. Slamming his door in annoyance, Jeff growled before throwing his knife into the wall above his bed. I’ll have my fun somehow… nobody said anything about staying away from Jacky, after all.

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