The Risktaker

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As Jack sprinted through the woods behind the house they were currently occupying, he attempted to erase (Y/n) from his mind and focus on the mission at hand. It was important that he was careful during this killing, as he was in an area he didn't know and also didn't have the luxury to be able to stalk his victim before committing to the act. A lightbulb clicked in Jack's brain as he remembered the conversation he had with (Y/n) regarding his hunting. Oh yeah... I told her I'd try my best to not kill anyone. That's going to make this so much harder. As he continued through the woods, he had a rather dumb idea in his mind. Stopping suddenly and observing his surroundings, he began to think of the risk attached to what he was about to do. Well... I am a good hour out from the house. Taking out his burner phone, he dialed the one person he felt he could trust.


"Ben... I need your help."

"Jack? Where have you been? There's a lot of crazy rumors floating around that Jeff has been spreading. Something about you being on the run with a human? What's going on?" Squeezing the bridge of his nose in frustration, Jack groaned out loud in. I knew he'd go and tell them, but... I thought it would take him longer than 2 days to recover and get back.

"There's some truth to those rumors."

"How much truth?"

"Well... maybe all." Despite the seriousness of the situation, Jack could hear Ben childishly chuckle, making him giggle as well. "Listen, I know he probably knows as well already, but I really need your help. It's complicated to explain, but... I need you to track my location and tell me the nearest pedophile that lives alone." He could hear Ben astounded at his bizarre request. "Ben, you have to trust me. I can't explain it all right now. I... I don't know how long this is going to go on, or if you'll even ever see me again."

"Just like that, huh?" Silence was heard over the line of the phone, and he could tell Ben was feeling hurt and aggravated at the lack of explanations that Jack had given. "Okay, Jack. I'll help you. Only because you're my best friend and you always will be, even if I never see you again."

As Ben tracked Jack's phone and told him the details of his request, Jack found himself needing to request one more thing, even if he knew that Ben wouldn't dare do it. "One more thing before we hang up, Benny. One more favor. Don't tell anyone in the mansion my location."

"Okay, Jack. I hope whatever this is works out for you." With a bittersweet smile on his face, Jack hung up the phone before stomping it into the dirt below him. It wasn't that he didn't trust Ben to not reveal his location, Jack just knew that if he ordered Ben to give him the location, it would be out of his hands and he would have to comply. So, this was it... no turning back now. Jack's pain showed on his face as he once again began to sprint towards his location. Yes, he had told (Y/n) that he would try not to kill anyone, and he had fully planned to keep his word on that. He also knew, however, that he had a limited time to fulfill his hunger before needing to go back and get rest, as this was their last night at this location. The very least he could do, in that sense, was kill someone that was a menace to society. Jack only hoped that the girl would understand that.

*1 hour later*

After Jack had feasted and felt full, he began to head back to the house, which was an hour away with his speed, hoping that the girl had kept her one of her so-called "important" promises to not run away. He was fairly certain that within the next 24 hours, the rest of the pastas would be aware of the last known location his phone had. When that happened, they would be long gone. It didn't hurt that he had also driven several hours away from the mansion to this house, approximately 5 hours, to be exact. Though every creepypasta was faster than humanly possible, they weren't fast enough to be able to run 5 hours straight at the speed of a car. Probably, they would reach the location of the phone between 8 to 9 hours from the time they figured it out, at best. Another issue had been in the back of Jack's mind as well, and that had been the lack of gas they currently had with the hotwired vehicle they were currently operating. Thankfully, it was at a full tank of gas when they had gotten it, but they probably could only drive for another 45 minutes maximum before having to get gas. Regardless, Jack had planned to steal a different vehicle anyways, as it lessened the chances of them getting caught even more.

As Jack reached the backyard of the house, he slowed down and began to walk normally, breathing a bit heavy after his long run. He stopped outside the door, nervous to open it. What if she did run away? Was I wrong to trust her in the first place? People don't keep their promises... maybe she's different in that sense as well, though. Finally sucking up the courage to open the door, he entered the home. Relief washed through his system as he saw the girl curled up on the couch in the living room, wrapped in a blanket with a book in one hand and a small flashlight in the other. She glanced over to Jack before glancing back down at the old pages she was reading. Jack slowly entered before approaching the couch she sat on.

As he gestured towards the seat next to her, he asked nervously, "May I sit?" She looked up at Jack and nodded, moving over slightly to give him more room. He had expected it to be more awkward than it was, although she didn't seem happy to see him, she seemed indifferent. With all things considered it was better than being angry at him.

"How was... eating?" Jack looked over at her as she continued to flip pages and read.

"It was okay. I know you asked me not to kill anyone, but I was basically out of options since we don't have much time and we're in the middle of nowhere. I know you won't be happy with me, but I did have one of my... roommates, I guess you could call him, get me the location of pedophile." (Y/n) halted her reading, still keeping the book open in her lap, as she looked at Jack with an unreadable expression.

"I don't like it. But I also know that it could've been way worse, given the circumstances." She nodded reassuringly towards him as she responded.

Jack nodded his head towards the book before asking, "What are you reading and where did you get it?" (Y/n) pointed to an old dresser in the middle of the living room that was full of cobwebs and dust, with a few fingerprints showing that were presumably (Y/n)'s.

"It was in there." Turning the cover so that Jack could see the title, she continued. "It's fascinating, really. It's a book called No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. It's very philosophical, which is something I always love learning about. My parents and I used to bond a lot over stuff like this." Glancing over at Jack, (Y/n) shook her head and closed the book before setting it down. "I'm sorry, sometimes I can get pretty boring and into this stuff. I'll stop."

Jack grabbed the book from her lap and began to read the back, before prompting her to continue. "No, I'm interested. Please, continue."

(Y/n) smiled anxiously at Jack, face heating up, before continuing. "Okay, if you say so. Well, the book is about a fictional character based on the reader's own personality and life. He basically has a tragic childhood and as he grows older, he begins to wonder what being a human really entails. He sees himself as not being one anymore at a certain point, feeling alienated and detached from the entire world. Almost as if he never really existed in the first place. It's really fascinating."

As Jack finished reading the back and listening to (Y/n) speak, he looked over at her and smiled. It was one thing to see (Y/n) so passionate about humanity itself, but it was a whole other thing to see her so engrossed within a book about it. Almost as if it was a secret meant to be kept hidden, but one that she had decided to share with him. "It sounds like I would love it. Can we take it on the road with us tomorrow morning? You know, so I can borrow it after you're finished." He saw the woman's eyes brighten with excitement, almost as if to say that no one had taken a genuine interest in her likes before. She nodded as she grinned, feeling happy that for once, someone had taken the time to listen to her. And, there wasn't a better feeling than that. The feeling of someone actually enjoying her company for what it was, without asking for more, was a feeling that she held tight to as she gripped onto the sheets later that night, and went to bed with Jack by her side.

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