The Vacillate

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As the sun had finally gone down, darkness invaded the space between the questioning two individuals. Somehow, they could still see each other in the dark, debating what to say next. A massive bombshell had been dropped, and both (Y/n) and Jack were afraid of what the other would say next. The only thing they could both hear were the sounds of their hearts and breathing. Though he wouldn't admit it, Jack found himself shaking in petrification as he awaited her response. Why did I say that? Stupid fucking idiot. Jack was beating himself in his own mind, fed up with his terrible habit of either not expressing his feelings at all, or expressing them all at once in a blowup. It led to horrendous outcomes such as this, in which the sense of unknown swallowed him whole. It was either hot or cold with no in-between; the equator or the north pole were the only options while the rest of the world was merely out of the picture.

Jack, being terrified of how this would truly end, decided to speak first. "I'm sorry I said that, I don't know why I did. I didn't mean it." It wasn't that Jack was only afraid of rejection, he was afraid of acceptance as well. How would a romantic relationship hypothetically work between the two of them, anyways? A man and his hostage? A woman and her kidnapper? Not only this, he was not human, and he was not worthy of loving the beautiful person (Y/n) was. Jack felt that he would only bring pain and suffering to the very woman he had just figured out he loved, and that was something he was not willing to allow her to endure. Even with the logistics not making sense, Jack knew she wouldn't reciprocate his feelings, regardless; thus, leading to his decision to make up a lie and say it was not truthful, even though it very well was. As he observed (Y/n)'s still-widened eyes watering, breathing out shakily, she responded.

"No, Jack. I'm done with the lies. Did you mean it? Do you love... me?" Biting his lip, Jack pondered the two options he could commit to- continue the lie, or break and tell the truth. My feelings don't matter, though. Hers do. And if I tell her the truth, I will only be adding to the hurt and mix-up that she currently finds herself in. It would be selfish to tell her. Yet, somehow... I find myself wanting to be selfish when it comes to my feelings for her. Deciding ultimately what he would say was not easy, as he felt the suffocating air surrounding them becoming harder to breathe in.

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." (Y/n)'s breath halted and knotted in her throat, feeling her chest tightening. She could swear to herself she felt her heart shatter like glass through her ears. Tears welled in her eyes before falling shamelessly to the filthy ground. Why... do I feel this way? She wordlessly nodded before turning away, needing to separate herself from the predicament she was currently in. Jack grabbed her wrist before she could get far, saying, "(Y/n), wait..." She found herself being unable to be around him, let alone be touched by him at the moment. So, without another word, she softly unhanded herself from Jack and continued to walk, closing the bedroom door behind her, before collapsing on the bed.

Sobs echoed through the room softly, as if they were a secret to never be told. Why am I crying? Why do I feel hurt? (Y/n) refused to allow him to hear her breaking down, so she put her face into a pillow as she continued to cry. It didn't seem to matter, however, as unbeknownst to her, Jack was listening outside the door with his ear pressed. Jack slid down the bedroom door in pain and heartache as he clutched his hair with his gloved hands. Hitting himself in the head several times, Jack saw blood fall to the ground from his own self-harm, deciding he didn't care and that he deserved it. He found himself crying along with (Y/n), not because of the physical pain he felt; rather, it was an emotional throbbing beating him to death, far more than he could ever do to himself. It's a white lie that I told to help her... I did it for her, not for myself. And as long as he, himself, knew that it was a selfless reason, that was enough for him to be satisfied and calm his own self-hatred. Deciding that now was the best time to go hunting rather than later, Jack stood up achingly slow before knocking on the door without entering. "(Y/n)? I'm going hunting. I'll be back later." Hearing no response but knowing that she had heard him, Jack quietly left the girl to be alone so she could process her feelings --- hoping that, maybe just this once, a promise would be kept.

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