The Doll

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“Hello, Doll.”

(Y/n)’s eyes widened as Jack immediately pushed her behind him, allowing himself to get into a fighting stance. “Get back, (Y/n)! Jeff, you fucking nuisance… what are you doing here?”

Jack’s teeth gritted together in pure anger as he gauged how Jeff could have possibly known where they were. No way… Ben must have either leaked the information or got caught with it. Then, Jeff had Smile Dog track us… that’s the only thing that makes sense. Peering behind his shoulder to glance at (Y/n)’s confused expression, Jack’s eyes widened as guilt took over his soul, knowing that this was the consequence of his own actions. “Oh? It doesn’t seem as though your little girlfriend knows how I could possibly know you were here. Have you not told her, Jacky boy?”

Jack glared at Jeff menacingly before looking back at (Y/n)’s face, finding herself absolutely bewildered at the implications of Jeff’s question. “Jack… what is he talking about?”

Jack looked back at Jeff with concern, finding himself unable to focus on both things at once. Jeff giggled slightly before taking a seat on the ground of the deck. “We have time. Tell her the truth.” Putting his face on the palm of his hand, he motioned for Smile Dog to lay down beside him. “I don’t mind having a story time at all.”

Stuttering on his own words, Jack looked back at (Y/n), who was anxiously waiting for an honest answer. Jack held (Y/n)’s hands within his own as he began his explanation. “I wanted to tell you, honest I… well, that was what I was about to tell you before he came.” Looking at the steps beneath their feet, Jack gulped before looking up at her with tears in his eyes. “Ben has always been my best friend, (Y/n). I guess I wanted to save him, even if it was a risk, it was a risk I was willing to take. I… I told him about our plan. I told him a while ago, pretty much as soon as I found out from you.”

(Y/n) dropped Jack’s hands from her own as tears began to flow on their own from her eyes, putting her hand to her mouth as she suddenly felt nauseated from what she had heard. She would have bet everything she had… no, she would have bet her entire life before tonight that Jack would never betray her. So, how could he… why would he… do this knowing that this was our only chance to ever escape together? “I’d say I would have never done that to you if I was with you, Doll, but that’s probably not true. At least I’ve always been open about how much of a scumbag I am.”

Jack shook with anger before he turned towards his arch nemesis. “SHUT UP!” Jeff innocently put his hands in the air as if he were surrendering. Jack looked back at (Y/n) and saw her slowly walking away from him up the stairs, tears falling from her eyes as she looked at him with a sense of danger. “(Y/n), please… I never meant to hurt you. If I could go back and change it, I would.”

She sniffled as she attempted to compose her thoughts, but still finding nothing but blankness scattered throughout her mind. “I… I don’t know you, Jack. Not the way I thought I did.” As Jack tried to reach out for her once again, he was interrupted with an unexpected voice.

“Ah, this is why you wanted to leave the country.” (Y/n) looked over in shock as she made eye contact with the last person she ever expected to see --- Arthur. He stepped onto the boat and made eye contact with Jeff as well, prompting Jeff to rise from his seat and giggle. Well, this just got interesting. He held his hand out to stop Smile Dog from making any rash moves as of yet.

“You must be the infamous leader of the Reapers of Justice. Pleasure to meet you, I’m one of the monsters you’re probably here to kill, along with this guy,” Jeff gestured towards Jack who was still standing on the steps in front of (Y/n), “but I hate to disappoint, we simply cannot die.”

Arthur hummed in response, confirming that he had heard of this before. “I’m aware, but the government put a pretty hefty bounty on your heads. Oh, what to do…” Time seemed to stop for all four parties as they stared each other down, waiting for the first move to be made; waiting long was not needed, as Arthur took out a gun and immediately began shooting Jeff in the chest several times, prompting Smile Dog to charge at his owner’s attacker. Jeff winced in pain as he grinned at the challenge in front of him. Arthur then changed his aim towards the murderous dog running towards him at full speed, shooting him multiple times in his buff shoulders to no avail, as Smile Dog lunged at Arthur and caused him to fall.

Jack pushed (Y/n) up the stairs and prompted her to go back into the control room. “Lock the door and do not open it, no matter what. I know you hate me right now, but I promise you, you will leave here safe. No matter what, you will get the new life you deserve, (Y/n). And please, never forget, despite what I’ve done… I love you.” (Y/n) wordlessly allowed Jack to push her into the room before she locked the door as she was told, watching through the window as the fight continued on. Jack ran towards Jeff with his infamous speed and screamed as he ripped his gloves off, clawing at his face and stomach while Jeff took out his knife and began stabbing Jack heartlessly.

As Jeff tackled Jack to the ground and landed on top of him, Jack could see (Y/n) bawling her eyes out from the window, banging on the window and mouthing his name. Jack’s eyes began to tear up as tar leaked out of them and fell onto the deck. At least I was able to live a life with you in it, (Y/n)… at least I was able to love you, and to be loved by you. Jack allowed his arms to fall at his sides as Jeff continued to stab him extensively. Suddenly, Jack felt Jeff being pulled off of him. Opening his eyes, he could see a blurry figure knocking Jeff’s knife out of his hand and punching him repeatedly. That must be Arthur… please protect (Y/n). As Jack’s hand reached out to the two men fighting, his eyes suddenly opened widely once he realized that no one could protect (Y/n) if Arthur were to perish. Eyeing the rope keeping the boat at bay next to the two men fighting, Jack used all of his energy to flip his body over and crawl towards it. Finally reaching it, Jack untied the rope successfully and, with his last amount of strength possible, he managed to stand up despite his body screaming for him to stop. Jack’s arms and chest were heavy as he took one last breath. Staring at (Y/n), who was looking at him as if pleading for him to stop, he used his very last bit of energy and lunged forward, tackling both men to the edge of the boat, pushing them all off into the water.

(Y/n) disobeyed Jack’s orders at last, as they had all gone overboard thanks to Jack. Screaming in agony, (Y/n)’s devastated cries were heard across the water as the boat began to drift away further and further from the dock. In the dark, she could barely see the three figures. As she drifted away further still, she eventually saw one of the figures float to the bottom of the ocean, before one of the last two fighting figures eventually collapsed and also sank to the bottom, leaving one figure watching the boat float away. (Y/n) cursed the nighttime sky as she grabbed at her face in pure anguish and heartbreak, wondering why, oh why, did whichever god may exist choose to make her suffer for the rest of her life. Who was the last figure remaining? Would she ever know? After all, hasn’t she entirely ceased to exist now that Jack was gone? Perhaps, she would never even know who the two were that perished, and who the one that was left was. After all, would they not perish as well, being that they were relatively far from the shore? All she could do left was sob with despair, as rain began to fall on her heavily; she refused to go inside the control room or the bunkers downstairs, for a large part of her hoped that the rain would drown her just as it had drowned the love of her life. Thus, as the storm raged on, the thunder drowned out (Y/n)’s screams and cries for help… and her very will to live withered away effortlessly. 

Author's Note: I will be uploading the last chapter this Saturday, along with a huge author's note.

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