The Humanitarian

331 11 4

A fireplace warmed (Y/n)’s chilled body as she sipped the scolding hot beverage in front of her. The old man watched (Y/n) curiously, as she put down the cup and sat back comfortably within her chair, making eye contact with the gentleman before her. Folding her hands together nervously, (Y/n) took a deep breath before breaking the silence boldly. “They are not human; they are monsters. I don’t know the specifics of their abilities other than human speed and fast regeneration. There’s over a dozen of them with a master. I don’t know the master’s name, but he is dangerous and has the power to erase memories. I believe the monsters had their memories erased, since they used to be human --- no, they are still human. They’re hopeless humans caught up in a dangerous world.”

(Y/n)’s eyes diverted to the ground as she began to get emotional for the lives that could have been, had those poor souls not been subjected to a life of pure violence and torture. Calling them monsters was not right, as they were just like her and Jack; unable to escape the life they felt bound to. “I know where they reside, it’s a mansion far from here. I will give you the location with only one condition.” (Y/n) paused before looking at the man to gauge his response, only to find little to nothing. The man scoured the girl’s eyes before him, looking for any sign of humanity, only to find vulnerability and fear. She’s telling the truth; I know she is. I don’t know what she’s hiding, but I know she’s a reliable source. “My one condition is that I want no part in the investigation. Not only that, but I want resources to leave the country for good. An unmarked boat with no other passengers, with enough food and water for my voyage. That’s all I require.”

The man gazed at the fireplace as he contemplated her offer. I would be stupid to turn it down, as this threat is a clear prominence of what could damage humanity beyond repair. However, I can’t shake the feeling that something is off. As the warm embers filled his blue eyes with contrasting warmth, he picked up his tea and drank the rest despite his burning throat protesting silently. Standing unannounced, the man made his way to a black landline phone sitting on a small table behind him, before picking it up and dialing a number. As (Y/n) waited in suspense, she overheard the man whisper the words, “Justice calls,” before he hung up the phone and sat down in front of her once again. As she opened her mouth to speak, he put a single finger up in order to stop her, before pouring more tea for both himself and her.

About five minutes had passed before the man rose from his seat, looking behind (Y/n) blankly. As (Y/n) peered over her shoulder, her eyes widened as she suddenly stood from her seat and backed up next to the old man. Before them were three figures kneeling down before them in cloaks with hoods; the ones at the ends were wearing red cloaks, whereas the one in the center was wearing black. Are these… the Reapers? The old man cleared his throat next to (Y/n) before finally speaking in a booming voice. “Rise.” Immediately, the figures before them obeyed without question, enabling (Y/n) to get a better look at their faces. The two figures donning the red cloaks on either side were both women, one blonde and one brunette. They were both tall and slender, with the blonde woman wearing a scar over her eye. The figure in the middle dressed in black was a young man with black hair. (Y/n) noticed each eye was a different color, with his left eye being a dark brown while his right eye was a yellow hazel.

A hand being held in front of her snapped (Y/n) out of her trance suddenly, with the old man staring down at the woman with a piercing gaze. As (Y/n)’s small hand got engulfed by his own, the old man shook hers firmly. “Arthur.”

(Y/n) gulped, “(Y/n).”

“(Y/n). You’ve got yourself a deal.”

*4:43 AM*

Jack hadn't stopped pacing since (Y/n) left, for the prospect of her getting harmed throughout this process was overwhelming him to the extreme. Additionally, Jack had been thinking more deeply about their plan now that he was alone and had a clearer headspace. (Y/n) was Jack's love, life and endgame, that much was true. When Jack considered the feelings of those he admired and respected however, such as Masky and Ben; he would even go as far as to consider the two friends. If Jack had learned anything from the kindness that (Y/n) had taught him, he knew that it didn't sit well in his consciousness to simply allow the two to sink with the rest of the ship. Before he could think further, Jack finally had enough of not seeing (Y/n). Although he didn't know where the coordinates were precisely, he would surely find her. As Jack stomped towards the motel door, (Y/n) barged towards him at the exact same time, leading to her falling to the floor in Jack's arms.

Looking up at Jack with wide doe eyes made his heart burst with excitement as he held her tight against his chest. (Y/n) smiled widely as she pressed her ear into him more and heard his heart racing, leading to her giggling. "Looks like someone missed me as much as I missed him." Jack's cheeks turned red as the woman straddled him before leaning down and touching her lips to his own. So soft... The two's tongues tangled together before (Y/n) bit Jack's lip playfully, making both parties smile and giggle before continuing. As she finally pulled away, Jack huffed to catch his breath after their intense make-out session. "Oh? And what's this?" Jack covered his face with his gloved hands as he realized she had been referring to his boner she was sitting on. (Y/n) gently pried Jack's hands away from his face before rubbing his cheek softly, kissing him once again.

*5:25 AM*

As the two laid naked beneath the sheets, Jack lovingly glanced to his right, where (Y/n) was sleeping soundly. Turning towards his side, he smiled endearingly as he put his hand against her warm cheek, watching her eyelashes flutter slightly in her sleep. I love her so fucking much, it's almost impossible. With his smile fading slightly, Jack began to fill guilt for what he was about to do. Unfortunately, before he and (Y/n) made love before she fell asleep, the two had not gotten the chance to communicate what had happened during her encounter with the Reapers and how they would escape the mansion. Regardless of this, Jack felt in his heart that he needed to do something, anything at all, to save Ben and Masky from the hell that would presumably rain down on the mansion. As Jack quietly got up from the bed and put his clothes back on, he made his way to the door, looking one last time at the love of his life with furrowed brows. I'm sorry, (Y/n)... With that, Jack silently shut the door before pulling his phone out.

*10:31 AM*

Groaning while rubbing her eyes, (Y/n) sat up before realizing she was still in bed. Looking at the alarm clock next to her bedside, her eyes widened as she realized the time before putting her clothes back on. As Jack emerged from the bathroom, (Y/n) went up to him and lightly smacked his arm. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?! It's super late."

"I thought you could use the extra sleep." (Y/n) fake pouted until Jack kissed her cheek, enabling the woman to smile unwittingly. "Well now that you are awake, we should really talk about last night and how your rendezvous went." (Y/n)'s smile turned into a blank expression as she motioned for Jack to sit on the bed.

After explaining the basics of what had occurred at the start of their meeting, the woman continued to share the details of the actual assault of the mansion. "I asked them to get a boat ready for us so that we can leave the country, that was my one condition in order for them to receive the mansion location. Arthur assured me he is able to get the assault and boat ready in 48 hours from our original meeting. That leads the date of their attack to be... tomorrow at 10:30 PM." Jack's eyes widened as he felt his heart pounding with anticipation. "So that leaves us 36 hours to get everything ready. He also gave me the coordinates of where the boat will be docked along with a photo of what it looks like." With a sigh of relief, the woman smiled at Jack before getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom. "I'll be out soon! I'm going to take a shower." As soon as the door closed and the water turned on, Jack smiled sadly before pulling his phone out and sending a text. I'm sorry, (Y/n)...

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