The Klutz

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Getting up from the floor of her new bedroom, (Y/n) felt her nerves tingling as she shakily breathed in and out in an attempt to calm herself down. Upon successfully going 5 minutes without crying again, she decided it was time to leave the room and act normal. What sort of freak must I look like, rushing into my room like that? After all, what right do I even have to excuse myself? Shaking her head in disappointment, (Y/n) began descending the stairs and heading to the library/study area to speak more with the girls of the mansion; only, she found herself colliding with another person with a loud ‘thud,’ causing the girl to look up in an apologetic fashion. “Oh- I am so sorry about that! Please excuse my clumsiness!” The girl looked into the pitch-black eye sockets that were seemingly staring back at her. 

 For reasons unknown, Jack found himself shocked as he stared at the girl in front of him. She apologized… why? All humans are cruel, selfish beings. As the girl began to fidget nervously from his lack of response, Jack realized he had yet to properly reply. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Jack muttered, “Don’t worry about it…” The two stood in place, (Y/n) refusing to make eye contact while Jack seemingly couldn’t care less. He had continued to stare at her, finding it difficult to understand why he was so intrigued with her very presence. It was as if it was… comforting. Odd, both because she was an untrustworthy human and because they had never even met prior to today. 

 (Y/n) smiled brightly at Jack, placing more emphasis on her cheeks, making Jack blush. “Thank you, Jack. I’ll get out of your way now.” As the woman walked away from him, he found himself stretching his hand out towards her, as if he wanted to yell for her to stop and come back. But… why? Why do I have this urge? Watching her continue to walk down the hallway, Jack pondered the origin of his newfound feelings that he could not comprehend. Although Jack was not particularly religious, he began to wonder if this was, perhaps, fate that had brought the girl to his path. Were we supposed to meet intentionally? All signs point to this… it’s the only explanation for me feeling safe in her presence and feeling like I know her already. Only when the girl disappeared fully was Jack able to snap out of his trance and meet Cody outside the mansion doors for their mission. 

 As (Y/n) continued down the hallway, she disappeared behind the nearest corner and let out a huge breath she had been holding. Why am I so nervous? My heart is racing like it never has before. Shaking it off after calming all the way down, the girl continued towards the library before pausing as she heard voices. The voices she heard were those of Clockwork and Jane in secretive whispers. Although (Y/n) didn’t like to eavesdrop, her gut told her that maybe she should for once. Catching glimpses, the woman leaned forward a bit more in order to hear better.

 “…manipulative. I know we’re supposed to be impartial and I know we’re not humans, but it just feels plain wrong and immoral. You should know better than anyone that my favorite subject to study is ethics, Clockwork.” A large silence ensued before a response from Clockwork was heard. 

 “I hate to say it, but I agree with ya. I could care less about the human, but Jack is a part of our family. How the fuck are we just supposed to betray him like this without mercy?” (Y/n)’s eyes widened. This conversation… is about me and Jack??? 

 Jane sighed and took a sip of tea before cozying up to the fireplace in front of the two. “We have no choice but to follow his orders I suppose, but when is enough, enough? Toby even told me a while ago that (Y/n) looked like she had a moment of memory recovery when she encountered Jeff. It’s just… sad.” Jane felt genuine guilt and remorse for having to lie about the situation at-hand. She had always been a huge empath, allowing her emotions to sway her in the wind at will. Clockwork, on the other hand, was black and white, citing logic as her reasoning for most decisions. Even she could decipher the unfairness that presented itself to their teammate, however, so her and Jane were on the same page, a true rarity. A knock interrupted both womens’ thoughts. As they both looked at the library entrance while attempting to seem normal and inconspicuous, they found it difficult upon seeing (Y/n)’s confused expression in front of them. 

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